Mapped domain and Events Calendar

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  • #948546

    Hello George,

    Thank you for getting back to me, and yes I am sure we will get to the bottom of it. I have looked at the config.php file and although nothing that is exactly the same exists, the debug code is right next to the piece of code that I needed to add to get the domain mapping. See below, is there anything in here that looks like a conflict or ‘trouble’ to you.

    * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
    * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
    * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
    * in their development environments.
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

    /* Multisite */
    define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );
    define( ‘SUNRISE’, ‘on’ );

    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    Many thanks.



    … I have also looked in the plugin folder as above and the tribe-events-pro.min.js is there in the resources folder. Thanks.


    Hey Maria,

    I’m curious, have you contacted the WPMU Domain Mapping support about this issue at all? If not, I think it would be worth describing, just because at this point the issue does not seem to so much be The Events Calendar itself. I’m thinking of notes like this one:

    The error was NOT there before I mapped the new domain from to so makes me think this is causing it.

    That’s quite odd, and I’m curious if by reaching out to the WPMU Domain Mapping team you can then confirm that all your domain mapping itself is configured correctly. There may be similar issues in the support forums already that might be helpful, as well.

    Can you clarify exactly what your site setup is here? For example, is your new site on a different server or anything from Is the original site, and is pointing to that – meaning the root itself is a WordPress MultiSite network installation?

    Thanks for your patience, seriously! 🙂


    Hi George,

    I have now posted a thread here on the site for the domain mapping plugin I am using

    WMPU dev does have also a domain mapping plugin but I am not sure how similar they are, I have posted on their forum to find out as I am a member and may be better off using this.

    This is my setup

    Network site ( overarching site )
    Sub domain ( mapped to )
    Dev site ( copy of subdomain not mapped to anything )

    All sites are on the same server, domain is mapped via IP address and the above plugin.

    The Zambia is the first launch of a network of sites across different countries that i would like to be able to use the plugin for, all of which will likely have mapped domains. So its important i do get to the bottom of this. The network site will be an overarching site that pulls blog content from the countrywide sites.

    Will let you know what response I get, hopefully I will get one and meanwhile carry on searching threads.

    Many thanks,



    Sorry I missed this bit.

    Is the original site, and is pointing to that – meaning the root itself is a WordPress MultiSite network installation?

    Yes to both of the above.

    Also with regards to this.

    One thing that stands out to me is that on your development site, the tribe-events-pro JavaScript file being loaded is the minified version (tribe-events-pro.min.js), while on, the version being loaded is the full, un-minified script (tribe-events-pro.js).

    Both of these are in the resources folder, is that correct ? So it is somehow calling the wrong one ?

    Many thanks,



    Hey Maria,

    Thanks for your information here – apologies for the slight delay here, I’ve been scratching my head over this issue for a bit.

    Just wanted to pop in quick to answer your question about where the scripts reside – and, yes, it is indeed in the /resources folder. The loading of the full script vs. the minified script is likely not to blame for your actual issues here, but it’s just an anomaly I noticed that could hint at other elements of your site not functioning as expected.

    While we try to think of other possible culprits here, one thing I noticed we haven’t addressed as of now in this issue is the permissions configuration on your server.

    This is worth checking out and ensuring is properly set up right now, just to at least rule it out as a potential culprit to further narrow down the issue.

    Basically, what you want to check on is to ensure that the file permissions for your server’s WordPress installation, and especially the /wp-content directory, are set to 755, recursively, and owned by the web server.

    If those things are not something you’re familiar with, definitely contact your web host support – it should be a quick thing for them to check, and change if the permissions are NOT currently at those settings…

    Let us know if this helps at all, or at least if the permissions are indeed at this configuration.

    Thank you so much for your patience! We’re working on this and can hopefully resolve it soon 🙂

    Thanks a ton Maria, cheers!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by George.

    This reply is private.


    Hey Maria,

    Thanks for your update here.

    I’ve been going over possible culprits here for a while – your patience means more than you think! – and I think I’ve boiled down the fundamental problem here:

    Basically that simple little JavaScript error is preventing things from functioning correctly on your page, even though I think most things about your site are indeed set-up correctly and should work mostly fine if this JavaScript error were to be resolved.

    But here’s the thing – the un-minified development JavaScript of our plugin is being loaded instead of the minified version, which is causing the random debug error and breaking other JavaScript-reliant elements on your page.

    I think the source of why this development script is being loaded is because of your domain mapping.

    Check out this screenshot, for example, of your page’s source code – note how some scripts are loaded from, while others (especially ones from The Events Calendar) are being loaded from

    I think this is because, deep down in the inner workings of Events Calendar PRO, the following variables are used to generate the URLs to the resources folder – and the scripts within it:

    $this->pluginDir  = trailingslashit( basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) );
    $this->pluginPath = trailingslashit( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) );
    $this->pluginUrl  = plugins_url( $this->pluginDir );

    So maybe, despite aspects of the domain mapping that you have set up, the references to __FILE__ will bypass that and prevent the proper file being loaded.

    I have two suggestions that might help here, or are worth trying. First, is to head to your site’s wp-config.php file and add this line of code:

    define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', false );

    I doubt this will change anything, but it’s worth forcing that “false” value there.

    Next, would you be comfortable modifying core plugin code on your site? This is usually never recommended 🙂 But for the purposes of this issue, it may be worthwhile for testing just to see if any of my assumptions here are correct.

    Basically, what you’d want to do if interested is to navigate to wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/tribe-template-factory.class.php and look for the function called getMinFile() – it looks like this →

    If you modify that function as follows and then save the file, and refresh things on your site, let me know if anything changes – and at least let us know if you’ve made the change, and leave it up on your site until we reply if possible – the exact changes are in this Gist here →

    To clarify:

    Maria: thank you so much for your patience so far, and I’m very sorry if my attempted solution here does not help. But it’s something I think is promising and worth looking into.

    You may also want to update WPMU support about the possibility of the issues I described here being to blame, and contact them about whether domain mapping and the use of director-referencing functions like dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) can play nicely together and reference the same files/directories on your server.

    Thanks Maria!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by George.

    Thank you so much George, sorry i have been offsite for a few days but back onto this today. I found that WMPU Devs support had picked up on the issue and the method suggested above implemented. Below is the response.


    In working on this issue, I noticed that George of Modern Tribe’s tech support team had advised altering the getMinFile function here:


    Utilizing his solution, I was able to get the Google Maps to show up for both mapped & un-mapped domains, but where he advised setting SCRIPT_DEBUG to false, I found that I had to set it to true:

    define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);

    To go into the reason why, when I had it set to “false” (as well as not having it defined at all), these two files were being called, giving 404 when called:



    Looking at your site via FTP revealed that they really didn’t exist (only the un-minified versions existed). Assuming those files existed in the first place (which would seem reasonable), you should be able to replace them by downloading the plugin again, and taking copies of those files, and uploading them to the plugin folder.

    Once those files are replaced, you should be able to set SCRIPT_DEBUG to false again. 🙂

    Hope this helps! 🙂


    Everything is indeed working correctly now but with the setting to TRUE, I am absolutely fine with this if it causes no issues etc. but the above comments may help pin down the bug ( nail it ) absolutely. I did download the plugin again but was unable to find.

    embedded-map.min.js or jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.css in the resources folder. I hope this points to an absolute solution.

    Meanwhile – all is workings ‘yippee !’ and thanks so much for your expert eye on this, I have learnt in the process also.

    Let me know if the above is the final final solution and I will upload the files and set to FALSE if necessary.

    Thank you very much.



    Also … there was a big thank you to you from Michael on WMPU Dev.

    Thanks George! 🙂


    Hey Maria,

    Thanks for your patience with this issue, and I’m sorry about some of my wondering in my post above not turning out to be true.

    I’m glad to hear things are working now though! I think you should totally proceed with uploading the missing files and setting SCRIPT_DEBUG to false – if any issues arise from this please let us know!

    Thank you!



    Hi George, no worries at all, combined thinking did the job here. I couldn’t actually find the missing files in the re-downloaded plugin, so thought I would mention it in case they should be there and you can update.

    I’m happy that all is working but just wanted to tie things off so they are right for you too.

    All the best and Happy Easter.


    Hey Maria,

    Thanks for being a great customer and for your patience with the whole issue – the fact that you didn’t find those files is a concern, and we will definitely look into the account downloads setup from our end to see if files are getting dropped or something.

    Best of luck with your site Maria – if other issues arise, don’t hesitate to come back and open up a new ticket! (And if it’s related to the problems in this ticket, share a link to this ticket for reference so we can pick up where we left off).

    Thanks a ton Maria! 🙂

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