map zoom

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  • #1526038
    Mark Metz

    its just gmap file i know this one but also i know its come map.php
    <?php do_action( ‘tribe_events_before_template’ ); ?>

    <!– Google Map Container –>
    <?php tribe_get_template_part( ‘pro/map/gmap-container’ ) ?>

    <!– Tribe Bar –>
    <?php tribe_get_template_part( ‘modules/bar’ ); ?>

    <!– Main Events Content –>
    <?php tribe_get_template_part( ‘pro/map/content’ ) ?>

    <div class=”tribe-clear”></div>

    do_action( ‘tribe_events_after_template’ );

    but i cant find where to come form theme i just want my map display full width without below bar and event so i cant find file gmap-container call below main div if i up then its dissply full width you have not any funcation or snippt to add map full width thanks



    I’m not exactly sure what your question is regarding the templates, but to get the map to be full width, you are going to need to customize the CSS of your theme. Looking at the site, it looks like styles applied to “#main .fusion-row” are enforcing a max-width. You would at least need to change this to 100%, but there may be other theme styles that need to be changed. Unfortunately, this is not something I can assist with.

    I wish you all the luck with the customizations!


    Mark Metz

    can you provide me the event calendar shortcodes like each one map title bar filter bar and map events so i call visual composer and layout draw with shortcodes like this but its come map with evetns
    [tribe_events view=”map”] i need all each one like map like filterbar like title bar like map evetns thanks



    You can find more information about Events Calendar shortcodes in our Knowledgebase article on the subject.

    Since you have figure out your original issue with the map zoom, I am going to close this ticket. Please feel free to create a new ticket if you have additional issues or questions.


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