Map View

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  • #1318478
    Thaddeus Ruszkowski

    We just want to show map in home page of the website. so we trying with this shortcode [tribe_events view=”map”] But map only show 10 events only. is there way to show all events on map? we can hide bottom section through css or is there way to only show map?

    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Thaddeus and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    Simply put, the number of events tend to follow the Number of events to show by page setting under Events -> Settings -> General (or the number of posts allowed by archive page on certain themes).

    The good news is that you can customize any view you like.
    The only downside is that whatever customization you make to the map view will impact not just your home page, but the actual map view itself too.

    You might want to read our Themer’s guide to get a sense of how that works.

    So in short, if you modify the number of events returned in the map view, you should obtain exactly what you are looking for.

    The other option would be to create a custom page template just for your home page and incorporate the custom map view in it.

    Just to set expectations, the scope of our support is mostly to get our customers started on the right track and to help them in case of issues.

    We unfortunately do not provide complete support for customization.

    Let me know if that helps.

    Have a great day!

    Geoff B.

    Thaddeus Ruszkowski

    Yes. you are right. we can change number of event on page through settings. but we just want it on home page only. if we do that it will work on home page and default event page. we don’t want to settings enable on default event page. is that possible? can you give me idea how to do it? or send me document link please.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Thaddeus,

    Thank you for writing back.

    After a bit of research, it sounds like there is a feature request that is pretty close to what you are looking for:

    Best of all, it comes with a snippet to create a shortcode that could help you out:

    As for how to create a custom page template, you can read about that here:

    If coding is not really your cup of tea, you could always hire one of our recommended customizers to do the customization for you.

    Let me know if that helps.

    Have a great day!

    Geoff B.

    Thaddeus Ruszkowski

    Awesome. Thank you so much for the help 🙂

    Geoff B.

    Good morning Thaddeus,

    I am super stoked this was helpful to you.

    You are welcome back in our support forums any time 🙂

    For now, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

    Geoff B.

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