Major Incorrect Event End Date Issue

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    You can disregard my post here ( as I purchased a new license to the plugin.

    I have been using the events calendar for years for both the free & paid versions.

    On November 27th, I upgraded my dedicated server, same hosting company, just new hardware. Moved all my sites, few issues, but the biggest issue happened on the highest traffic site.

    In the events area I have over 900 events, most of them are past events, but still its a lot of events & the past & current events are all important to see.

    If I go into the wp admin & click events, every end date has changed to match the start date. This is also shows up this way on the live site on the frontend too, since I have all the events that have not past yet set to show up.

    However, if I am on the events page in wp admin & click an individual event in the event date & time area the start date & end date are different as they should be. But as mentioned above the frontend of the site & the main events page in the admin are showing the same start & end date.

    This is something I would not have ever noticed would have happened before the move, but am now having a major issue since there are so many events & I can not start over importing them.

    So I am not sure what to do. I turned off my cache plugin as well & that did not change anything either.

    So at this point I am reaching out to you, as I imagine it is a plugin issue after the site transfer since the rest of the hosting move for this site is all fine. I ran out of options for testing so far & am stuck. Any help that you have would be appreciated.

    I am running Version 992.0.11 – frontend of site that shows incorrect end date – backend of the events calendar that shows incorrect end date – individual page for one of the events that shows correct end date


    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    A couple of quick questions to help us get started with this issue:

    1. Does this behavior happen on just the imported events or is it occurring on newly created events now that you’ve migrated?
    2. Would you mind pasting, in a private reply here, the system information from the “help” tab within your event settings?
    3. Finally, have you tried following our Testing for Conflicts procedures to ensure there isn’t a conflict at play here with an existing plugin or theme?



    This reply is private.


    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for following up!

    1. Since it is doing the same thing with newly created events, it sounds like this is a code level problem rather than a database/migrations issue. That’s helpful to know here.
    2. Since we aren’t able to see the system information, can you verify the version of The Events Calendar that you’re using. You mention “running Version 992.0.11” however the latest version of our plugin is currently at version 4.0.
    3. When deactivating, did you test the display with all plugins deactivated and a default theme activated?

    Also, do you have another site that you’re using the PRO plugin on? If so, does the issue occur on that site as well? With or Without the Pro plugin activated?




    1) Ok. Just seems weird that I never experienced the issue before until the move. Never happened before this & I have been running the plugin on this site for almost 2 years.

    2) In the plugins area of the admin it says: The Events Calendar
    Version 992.0.11 | By Modern Tribe, Inc. | View details | Support | View All Add-Ons

    I saw that 4.0 recently came out, but did not want to upgrade it yet without testing & seeing if I can get this issue resolved.

    3) I believe I did, but since this site gets alot of traffic I tried to do things fairly quickly during off hours, when in reality there is never really off hours since the site is auction based. This weekend I am going to use the updraft plus migrator plugin to move everything to a testing area. And see if the same issue happens there. And then go thru & deactivate everything & take my time with it. That should give me an accurate representation of what it is also doing on the live URL right? Then if the issue is not resolved, I can send you FTP & WP access to take a further look.

    Does this all work for you?


    I cloned the site & added it here:

    All plugins except for events calendar are currently deactivated. I am now also running the twenty fifteen theme. Still issue persists in the both the backend & frontend.

    I event created a new test event that starts on Dec 16th & ends on Dec 25th & it still shows as the same start & end date on the front end & main events calendar screen.

    Would you like my wp & ftp info? Anything else that I can do to help out? Time is of the essence since I have over 900 events & new ones go up weekly. I would hate to have to move to a different plugin at this point.


    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for following up here.

    When you tested a new site, did you copy the main events calendar plugin from the WordPress repository or did you use the “992.0.11” version from your current site?

    I ask because a “992.0.11” version most likely is not a clean version of the plugin since we’ve never released a version like that. A numbering like that is common when a developer or someone working on a site makes customizations directly to plugin files and doesn’t want the plugin to become available for automatic update and have those changes overwritten.

    The best advice I would have for now would be to upgrade to version 4.0 and see if the issue persists.



    Thank you for the information. I did not try the plugin from the repository, but did after your post. That worked for the backend. Broke the frontend, but thats ok. I was not aware that my developer overwrote the plugin in this manner.

    It is strange that just cloning the site & moving it to a new server on the same host brought out this issue. I am not sure what could have caused it, but I will work it out with my developer to spot the issue.


    Hey Michael,

    No problem.

    In regards to the migration bringing out the issue, there are a number of different possibilities there. There could have been an update to core or another plugin that caused the issue or there could have been a server resource (different version of PHP, different settings/configuration, etc.) beyond your control that could have triggered the issue to show up as well.

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread out for now. If you have any further questions as you work through the front-end of the site, please don’t hesitate to open a new thread.



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