License Key Issue

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  • #1317380
    Callie Minton

    I just updated and upgraded to the Business license key subscription as I have a new client who also wishes to use your products.

    The Event Tickets Plus activated fine however my Events Calendar Pro continues to give: “You are using The Events Calendar PRO but your license key is out of installs. Visit the Events Calendar website to manage your installs, upgrade your license, or purchase a new one.”

    I have tried deactivating and reactivating. I also checked and the domain is NOT listed in My Account -> License Keys under Events Calendar Pro

    I know it is listed as a known issue but this was back in April. Any suggestions for fixing this?

    Callie Minton

    Found the issue! I manually compared the keys and it had extra characters added to the beginning of the license key.


    Thanks Callie, it’s always the simple stuff that trips me up too!

    Courtney ๐Ÿ™‚

    Callie Minton

    Hi Courtney,

    Just wanted to update – in my haste to get to work I saw the characters were similar to my key and just pasted the correct key in. Instead, I should’ve double checked and compared license keys…had I did that I would’ve realized that it wasn’t missing characters but is actually an invalid license key and it keeps replacing my actual valid key. ๐Ÿ™

    I can paste my key, save it and it will work but within 20 or so minutes – it updates to an incorrect/expired license key that I don’t have ๐Ÿ™

    Any suggestions as to why it would be converting to an invalid key that I didn’t input?



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    Callie Minton

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    Callie Minton

    This reply is private.


    Hello Callie

    Can you start by going through our Testing for Conflicts Guideย  I am wondering if you might have a plugin or theme conflict.ย  Begin by deactivating all other plugins, using a theme such as Twenty Seventeen, and see if the issue still persists. Also, double check for any other updates available (Dashboard ยป Updates).ย 

    While all else is disabled, please uninstall and reinstall the plugin.

    If after these tests, you are still unable to determine the issue, please enable WP_DEBUG and sharing any PHP errors you see while navigating your site’s home page, events page, single-event pages, and any other of your site’s pages relevant to this ticket?

    Once you share your WP_DEBUG findings, we may be able to get an idea of any plugin or theme conflicts.

    Please enable WP_DEBUG on your site. You’ll need to edit to your site’s wp-config.php file and change this line of code: define('WP_DEBUG', false); to this: define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    (or add this line of code if you can’t find mention of ‘WP_DEBUG’ in your wp-config.php file)

    If any errors do appear while navigating your site’s pages, please copy and paste them in their entirety into a new ticket reply — along with the URL of where you saw the error(s) — and make sure you set it as a Private reply.


    If you don’t see any WP_DEBUG messages while browsing your site, could you try temporarily activating the default Twenty Fifteen theme, and seeing if the issue persists.

    If disabling the theme fixes it, we have narrowed the issue down to a theme conflict. Do you have any theme overrides for the Events Calendar? If so could you try disabling them by renaming your [themename]/tribe-events/ folder to โ€˜tribe-events-bakโ€™. Did that fix it?

    If the issue persists in the default Twenty Fifteen theme, then we have a different set of debugging steps. Please keep the Twenty Fifteen theme enabled, and also disable any plugins other than the ones from Modern Tribe to see if that fixes it. If it does, please try re-enabling the plugins one at a time until the issue resurfaces. When it does resurface, can you let me know which plugin caused that to happen?


    Courtney ๐Ÿ™‚

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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