Just purchased license and entered license, but import options don't show

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator Just purchased license and entered license, but import options don't show

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  • #1321577
    Sharon-Lee Orpen

    I’m having the same issue as at https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/new-license-not-working-2/. I just purchased the license, put it into WP and it’s accepted. Then go to import but only see the option to import CSV or purchase Event Aggregator, which I just did! When I go back to check the license, it’s no longer there…not sure if that’s normal or not.

    I disconnected the site from https://theeventscalendar.com/licensekeys/” and then reconnected, but nothing’s changed.

    Reporting the same issue as: https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/new-license-not-working-2/

    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Sharon and welcome to the Events Calendar Support forum!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We are sorry to hear about the issues you have been faced with while trying to enter your license key. I would love to help you with this topic.

    There are 2 things I would recommend after a database backup:

    1. Try temporarily reverting back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-sixteen to see if that changes anything
    2. Deactivate and delete the Events Calendar completely. Then, deactivate your license.

      Once that is done, download a brand new copy of the Events Calendar and install it from scratch.

      Reapply your license key.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.

    Sharon-Lee Orpen

    Howdy Geoff. I’ve just done all that according to the sequence you’ve shown below. Unfortunately it hasn’t made any difference. When I go to Events–Import, I see the New Import tab, but the Import Origin only has CSV File or Buy Event Aggregator as black options.

    What else can I check or try? (This is very frustrating!)

    Sharon-Lee Orpen

    I’ve done the standard things recommended and I’m still not seeing the paid-for import options. Need more/other suggestions of what to try, please.

    Derek Litchfield

    Not sure if you have tried, but I had the same issue, and what worked for me was:

    1. Remove the Events Aggregator license key from your WP Admin (Events-Settings-Licenses) and save.
    2. Go to The Events Calendar “License Keys” page and click on “Disconnect Now” for the site in question.
    3. Go back to your WP Admin and paste the license key back in. Click Save several times (it never saves for me the first time for some reason).

    Hope that helps!

    Sharon-Lee Orpen

    Derek, thanks so much! That seems to have worked. The license key apparently wasn’t actually saving, so repeating that save twice after entering it caused it to remain in place, and I can now see the other options for importing. Appreciate it!

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Derek and Sharon-Lee,

    This is pretty awesome to see our customers help each other out like that!
    Major props your way.

    You are welcome back in our support forums any time 🙂

    For now, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

    Geoff B.

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