Identify Impacted Import Sources

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator Identify Impacted Import Sources

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Cyrus.
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  • #1500021

    Hey Tribe! Understandably you are extremely busy right now but I hope that you can help out with something that will alleviate pressure from your users.

    Can you provide users of Event Aggregator with a mechanism (query, report, error) to identify Scheduled Import sources that have been impacted by the Facebook API Changes? Currently my scheduled imports are not displaying errors, but they are also not importing events for all sources. We have over 800 import sources, a number of these import sources are groups. It would help us mitigate the damage of this API change if you could provide us with a means to report which import sources are impacted. We will then use this information to communicate with our customers.

    Thank you!


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks so much for reaching out again here!

    We are currently in the process of figuring out the impact that Facebook API changes has had and will continue to have on imports from Event Aggregator.

    I can tell you that Facebook Groups are currently not importing, and we do have a bug report out on that issue.

    In addition, we released a hot fix yesterday to address the issue with Featured Images from Facebook not importing.

    I’m sorry that I do not have more concrete information for you at this time, but we are working to figure things out as they happen.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions on this issue!





    Hi Thomas,

    I also wanted to add that the following article may be able to provide a bit more insight on this issue as well:

    Since you marked the above answer as the Correct Answer, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

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