Huge problem, need help right away.

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    Looks like the HTML was stripped out. Here it is again (no angle brackets):

    div id=”container”
    div id=”content” class=”tribe-events-event widecolumn”


    Hey Hamish,

    Can you paste a link to your website so we can see what the problem looks like?


    Hi Jonah,

    Here is a link to the “calendar” view – which looks as it always did:

    And here is a link to an event listed on the calendar:

    Previously, the sidebar widgets appeared beside the event listing whereas now they are pushed underneath it. If I alter the template that is used for the TEC (e.g. the default EC) then the calendar gets compressed which throws off the formatting and strangely duplicates an event listing. Any help is appreciated.


    Hi Hamish, not quite sure what changed but you’re going to need to make some template changes. For some reason on single events, the content is wrapped in a ‘container’ div when it should just be wrapped in the ‘content’ with a ‘threefourths’ and ‘clearfix’ class… You should be able to fix it by applying the following rules to the ‘container’ div on single events:

    .events-single #container {
    float: left;
    margin: 0;
    width: 675px;

    Try that and let me know how it works.


    I tried pasting that code into the event.css file in my theme folder and it did not work. I am not sure where am I supposed to paste the above mentioned code, can you please advise.


    Hi Johah,

    I thought about your comment some more and went looking into the the template files. I found in the ecp-single-template.php file the code that is putting the container div. (

    I modified the ecp-single-template.php code by removing the container div tag and changing class from “tribe-events-event widecolumn” to “threeFourths clearfix” as you can see here:

    It seems to have worked, however I am wondering if this will create an unstable code/plugin. Do I have to copy this to my theme’s event folder?



    Hey Hamish, whenever making changes to the events.css file or the template files you always want to override them and not modify the core plugin files. You do this by simply placing copies of the files in an ‘events’ folder in your theme.

    You should be able to use the above CSS in your events.css file or your theme’s style.css

    Let me know how it goes.


    I am having similar problems: Googlebot is trying to index every date in every category etc from 2005 to infinity (2019 is what it’s looking for now). It’s killing my bandwidth.
    I’m using The Events Calendar and Pro 2.0.5 on WP 3.3.1 and have applied the table.php fix with no effect. I’m also using a calendar widget.


    Hey Fergus. You shouldn’t need to be using the patch after the 2.0.4 release…is there a reason you’re running both alongside one another?


    I tried using the patch because, as I said, Googlebot is indexing every date between 2005 and infinity rather than just dates with events (currently working its way through 2017).


    Thanks Fergus. You should remove the patch and go with just the code; note that as Joey mentioned above…the (re)crawling takes time, so the results of what you added based on Joey’s code (or as it may be, the patch in the official codebase if you’re running 2.0.5) would not be taking effect already.

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