How to get the right format / url for events at ical and google

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator How to get the right format / url for events at ical and google

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  • #992795

    Thanks, I will check again with deactivating w3tc. I will flush cloudflare. I will do this some evening this week to avoid daytime traffic interruption weirdness for visitors.

    Why are .ics files being imported into media library?


    Great, thanks Bill.

    Why are .ics files being imported into media library?

    I believe this is a side effect of our use of WordPress’s media uploader – however we have a note on our internal bug tracker to check this out and evaluate a change here πŸ™‚


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    I am looking to download the plugin but I was wondering if there were any specific way that I could tell if a website is using iCal for their events or is this something that actually shows up in the URL – sorry if it seems like a silly question!..

    For instance, how do I know if this site uses an iCal -

    Thanks in advance.


    That’s not a silly question by any means, Aaron, but it would be great if you could post it in a fresh support topic: it can quickly become confusing to have multiple voices in the same topic especially when each is asking a different question πŸ™‚


    Hi Bill,

    Please avoid using private replies unless you are sharing information that you prefer not to expose publicly (such as a client URL that you’d rather not be visible to the whole world) – otherwise it can make the topic unreadable for others researching similar issues in the future πŸ™‚

    Was there a url or did you just note you are aware and working on it. hard to tell from wording if there was supposed to be a link or not for word β€œhere”

    Sorry for the confusion.

    There is no URL, I was noting that we are aware of the problem and will evaluate “a change here in this area of the plugin,” … apologies for the clumsy wording!

    Importing as .ics prohibits it from being seen as true .ics file. It’s like a .odf got loaded.

    I’m sorry but I’m not too sure what you are referring to … if this is a separate problem from the general issue where you cannot seem to import event data from valid iCal URLs into your own WordPress site, please do create a fresh topic πŸ™‚



    Good news bad news. Site has been getting slammed so I have not had good opportunity to recheck in 2015 default theme with w3tc off and clear cache at cloudflare.

    I am not concerned about the time limit for rebate as I am happy to take the time to get this figured out.


    For sure – we’ll be here to help as best we can πŸ™‚

    If you do have time to troubleshoot further (or perhaps can do so on a test site) definitely update this topic at any time with your findings. In the event two weeks or more elapses and it is automatically closed, simply create a new topic and link back to this one.



    Both W3TC support and web-synthesis (host) say they cannot see how they can help. Although synthesis says

    There is no configuration on our server that could be blocking this. Can you please confirm with the plugin developer/support team if there are any special configurations needed to make this work? Maybe we need to add a mime type for the ical extentions?

    I will try again this weekend and turn everything off and use 2015 theme to test again.


    Hi Bill,

    OK – it would be fantastic if you could as there does seem to be a big discrepancy between what each of us finds when trying to import from a number of those URLs and – just given the lack of other reports in a similar vein it does feel like something that is either the result of a local conflict/some kind of problem with the hosting environment.

    Of course, it might not be, but it seems sensible to eliminate that possibility.


    I am at my wits end. Web synthesis asked if there is a mime type they should add? Is there anyone else using ical Import on synthesis?

    I cannot figure out what my ISP would have to do with this. As it may not recognize or be allowing the webcam:// format or the other or url forms

    If any thing it has to be at the host end.

    Please adv is any suggestions

    see process/notes below

    ical importer test

    Cloudflare disabled in development mode
    W3TC deactivated
    All other plugins deactivated but for

    TEC Pro
    iCal Importer

    Go to TEC site and go to my account support threads

    copy the following URL that TEC support says works for them

    Go to Event ->> Import
    in General select β€œdraft”

    enter URL
    – no ical found at this url

    selected ics file
    – no ical file found
    – no ical found at this url

    go to metope download (ical) ics file from a meeting
    – no ical found at this url

    copy this url from Apple webcam library
    – No a valid url

    changed to http

    other file formats
    – No ical found at this url

    Deleted plugin
    added 3.11
    tried again form above same results


    Hi Bill,

    It’s definitely puzzling – especially as, in general, other users just don’t seem to be hitting up against these kinds of problems.

    For all of these URLs, I can confirm that I (and a colleague using a different machine/setup) were able to find events successfully:

    I can’t speak to the metope download as I’m not actually sure what you are referring to there, however at this time all of the above seem to contain one or more valid events and we have no problems importing from them.

    I cannot figure out what my ISP would have to do with this. As it may not recognize or be allowing the webcam:// format or the other or url forms

    It sounds like you were pretty diligent in deactivating other plugins, etc, when you ran through our troubleshooting steps. However, I think I am correct in thinking your host is a managed WordPress hosting service and sometimes we find they have added a special type of plugin that you cannot deactivate.

    Do you notice on visiting the plugin admin page if there are any “must-use” plugins listed? For instance, you might see something like this near the top of the screen:

     All (23) | Active (7) | Inactive (16) | ... | Must-Use (1) 

    Do you see a “must-use” entry? If so and you click on that link, what is actually listed there? Can you check in with your host about the possibility of temporarily disabling this or inquire about what sort of code this contains – might it include an upload_mimes filter for example?


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    Hi Bill,

    The text/calendar mime type must be allowed.

    iCal Importer tries to ensure it is amongst the mime types returned when WordPress’s get_allowed_mime_types() function is called – but it’s possible this is being overridden, whether at WordPress level or something higher that that.

    So, confirming with Synthesis that that isn’t blacklisted (or the converse, that it is whitelisted) is worth a shot.

    Let me know if that gets us any further!


    Hi Barry, after repeated attempts I cannot get ical importer to work on my wp/genesis/mag pro site at web synthesis.

    Copyblogger support says

    Hi Bill,

    The plugin support must first identify what could be the issue and possible fixes we can do on the server so we can do it from our end.


    Customer Success Specialist – Team Lead

    If I can find the time I can set up a plain vanilla 2015 install and test that environment.

    But I think I may be at the end of the road for what I can do.

    Also, copyblogger has asked a couple times if

    Maybe we need to add support for the mime type for the files. Can you please confirm this with the plugin support so we can investigate further on our end?”

    If you can reach out to them with any clue I’d appreciate and would incentivize me t create that new install that we can test and troubleshoot.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Bill. Reason: add suggestion
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