How can I get a list of all availability slots for all bookable events.

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO How can I get a list of all availability slots for all bookable events.

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    I need to add some functionality into my admin panel that basically displays a table, with every event time/date combination as a separate row. This is so my client is able to log into the website and see a list of all upcoming events and how many people have booked on.


    Tour Date/Time Tickets booked Total value of tickets
    Oxford Official University and City Walking Tour 2018-07-24 10:00:00 11 163
    Oxford Official University and City Walking Tour 2018-07-24 10:45:00 18 247
    Oxford Official University and City Walking Tour 2018-07-24 11:15:00 19 249

    I was able to produce the above by running a query that searches for all posts of type wc_booking and then builds the table based of the data related to these posts.

    However if a time slot has no bookings yet there will be no wc_booking post to grab and find the timeslot from.

    I have played around with the functions in the plugin and noticed I can get all of the events, and the availability rules for them. however I am struggling to figure out how you take these availability rules and turn them into meaningful time slots. It seems you must have a way to do it as you created the front end calendar GUI based off of these availability rules.

    So i guess I am asking how is this done, and could I simply tweak it to display in a list/table rather than a calendar?


    Hi Tim,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    After reviewing your request this essentially looks like a custom development task and so is outside of our stated scope of support.

    With that being said, we’d love to help point you in the right direction.

    I’d recommend starting off by taking a look at our Themer’s Guide, which can show you which templates can be edited and copied in order to attempt the results that you are looking for.

    If you’d prefer not to tackle this customization on your own, we may be able to assist you further. We do need to prioritize support requests from other customers at this time but I’ll certainly flag this with the team and – although we can’t make any promises – if we have time and space to come back and help, we’ll be happy to do so.  Please let us know if you’d like to go this route so that you can be added to this queue.

    In the meantime, if there is any more information you can share (including mocks) that will help us to better understand what you are seeking please do feel free to add them to this ticket.

    If you urgently need help with this, however, you may instead wish to consider working with a suitably skilled developer or designer who can offer the additional level of support you require.

    Let me know if you have any other questions on this topic!





    Thanks for the reply,

    I don’t suppose you could just point me in the direction of the function that converts the custom event timeslots that we create in the admin panel into the front end calendar that customers see

    What template this is located in?


    Hi Tim,

    Our Themer’s Guide can show you which templates can be edited and copied in order to attempt the results that you are looking for.

    In addition, here are all of the available functions in our archive:

    I hope that helps!




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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