Hide Google Maps in the overview, settings are not saved/ buttons too small

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  • #1128310

    I have more than one problem with the event calender pro.
    1. The settings are not saved, I am following a thread about it allready here:

    2. in the list view, we want to hide the google maps link, which seems to be possible, because there is one event shown without google map, but I can’t find the difference to the others…
    3. the button for searching events is too small for the german translation
    4. there is a colored stripe displayed on top of the list leaving the boxed mode, why???
    5. Is it possible to change something in the widget view (sreenshot attatched) We like displaying only the month not the day.

    Thank you for helping


    Hallo Mirko,

    Thanks for going Pro and welcome to the forums!

    I’m sorry you are experiencing some issues, let me try to help you with those. Let’s go one by one.

    1. The settings are not saved, I am following a thread about it allready here:

    Yes, unfortunately. We know about this bug, our developers are already working on a fix, which should come soon. Until then there is a possible workaround.

    The issue seems to come from the option in the wp_options table tribe_settings_sent_data. Once this is deleted from the database all should save fine. It might reappear, then you just need to delete the option again.


    2. in the list view, we want to hide the google maps link, which seems to be possible, because there is one event shown without google map, but I can’t find the difference to the others…

    Could you send me a link to the page where I can see this? I tried accessing your site, but it’s password protected.


    3. the button for searching events is too small for the german translation

    Try using the below snippet, that will make the button wider:
    #tribe-bar-form .tribe-bar-submit {
    float: right;
    margin-left: initial !important;
    width: initial !important;


    4. there is a colored stripe displayed on top of the list leaving the boxed mode, why???

    Please send me a link, so I can investigate. Highly likely it comes from the theme css.


    5. Is it possible to change something in the widget view (sreenshot attatched) We like displaying only the month not the day.

    It might be. Please give me some time to investigate and I will get back to you on this.

    Meanwhile, please check if any of the others work out for you and let me know.



    Hi again,

    Question #5 requires a bit of customization. Here is a handy guide for customizing our plugins.

    Basically you will need to do a bit of change in the wp-content\plugins\events-calendar-pro\src\views\pro\widgets\modules\single-event.php file and copy it to [your-theme]/tribe-events/pro/widgets/modules/single-event.php

    I believe you need to change the letter ‘D’ to ‘M’ in line 33.

    Let me know how that works out.



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    hi Andreas,

    the change in the wp-content\plugins\events-calendar-pro\src\views\pro\widgets\modules\single-event.php file and copy it to [your-theme]/tribe-events/pro/widgets/modules/single-event.php

    didn’t work out

    any other idea? I have put it in the child theme aswell.

    thank you


    Hi Mirko,

    I’m happy question #1 and #3 are solved. So let’s look at the rest.

    #2 Google maps link:

    This is a bug which we recently discovered. When you create a new event, then you can select whether the link to google maps should be shown or not. Unfortunately, when you are editing an old event, these checkboxes don’t show up. We already have a bug ticket on file for this, so a fix should be coming soon. I ask for your patience.


    #4 Colored bar:

    This comes from the Avada theme you are using. It seems it adds some custom css to the filter bar.

    Try adding this short code to your theme’s style.css file:
    #tribe-events-bar::before, #tribe-events-bar::after {
    width: 0;

    If you need, you can do further formatting with css to the filter bar.


    #5 Widget bar:

    Copy the single-event.php file to your child-theme-folder/tribe-events/pro/widgets/modules/single-event.php, and edit the file. Look for row 33, which should look like this:
    class="list-dayname"><?php echo apply_filters( 'tribe-mini_helper_tribe_events_ajax_list_dayname', date_i18n( 'D', $postDate ), $postDate, $mini_cal_event_atts['class'] ); ?></span>
    And change it to this (the only change is the D to M):
    class="list-dayname"><?php echo apply_filters( 'tribe-mini_helper_tribe_events_ajax_list_dayname', date_i18n( 'M', $postDate ), $postDate, $mini_cal_event_atts['class'] ); ?></span>
    Save and you should be set.

    Let me know if these help you move forward.




    Dear Andras,

    #1-4 ok thank’s a lot for your help, I am only waiting for the google maps thing, but we have blinded it out by now.

    # 5 if you log in you can see I had allready done what you proposed but it didn’t work out. See screenshot attached.

    #6 I also need to put the postcode infront of the town (german way of writing an adress)

    #7 can I blend out the catagories in the single event view?

    #8 the event weblinks are very long and there is no alternative for linking them in some browsers they don’t even have a line break in others the same link does (see attached image) or here is the event:http://s620913656.online.de/basi-wp/event/vbg-branchenforum-oepnvbahnen/

    Thank you very much for your help


    Hi Mirko,

    Google maps thing:

    If you paste this snippet in your theme’s functions.php file, then you will see the required checkboxes when editing an event:
    * Enable Google Maps settings for existing events
    * This snippet makes the checkboxes 'Show Google Maps' and 'Show Google Maps Links' visible
    * when editing existing events.
    * Just paste it in your child theme's functions.php file.
    * Created by: Andras Guseo
    function enable_google_maps_checkboxes() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
    .events-cal.post-php #google_map_toggle, .events-cal.post-php #google_map_link_toggle {display:table-row !important;}
    add_action('admin_head', 'enable_google_maps_checkboxes');


    #5 Widget bar:

    I appreciate the offer! However, our current policy is not to accept logins or to log in to customer servers/WordPress installations.

    I see on your screenshot that the file is right. Do you have any caching plugins enabled? Did you try emptying the browser cache?

    You can try simply replacing the file, but it will be overwritten with the next plugin update.


    #6 I also need to put the postcode infront of the town (german way of writing an adress)

    Can you please specify what exactly you are referring to?


    #7 can I blend out the catagories in the single event view?

    Try adding this to your theme’s styles.css file:
    .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-meta-group-details dl dd:nth-child(6), .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-meta-group-details dl dt:nth-child(5) {
    display: none;


    #8 the event weblinks are very long and…

    I saw the error in Edge. Try this in styles.css. It will allow to break the URLs wherever the line reaches the edge of the containing box.
    .tribe-events-event-url {
    word-wrap: break-word;


    Do these help?



    Hi Andras,
    Google maps thing:
    your code seems to have a fault. Look of what happend (attached file) we have now this code snippet up in the backend.
    #Widget bar
    I switched off every single plugin and emptied the cache, no result. This single-event.php is in the child theme folder, but I can not find the php in the main theme folder is that right?
    #post code
    In Germany the adress of anybody looks like this:</br>
    firstname lastname</br>
    street No.</br>
    postcode town </br>

    the postcode we need in front of the town not behind, see attached file.

    #7 Categories this worked fine, thank you

    #8 the event weblinks are very long and… this works too, but the link is still very long, there is no way to link a text instead?

    Thank you for helping


    sorry I forgot the images, here they are.


    Hallo Mirko,

    Dang, I’m sorry about that snippet. The functions.php file of your theme should start with an opening php tag, like this:


    And the snippet should be before the closing php tag like this:


    Is it like that?

    (I just did a test, copy-pasted the code from here to my local install and it works fine. So the code itself should be OK.)


    #Widget bar

    This single-event.php is in the child theme folder, but I can not find the php in the main theme folder is that right?

    The file should be both in it’s original folder (wp-content\plugins\events-calendar-pro\src\views\pro\widgets\modules\single-event.php) and in the child theme folder as well. To be sure. No need to remove it from its original place.

    Can you test if it does the change when you modify the original file and leave it there?


    #post code

    That can be done with some customization work, which we have limited support for. I recommend the following 2 articles, these should get you started.




    #8 the event weblinks are very long and…

    At the moment there is no option of doing that unfortunately. If you think that is something you would like as a feature I encourage you to visit our User Voice Page and either upvote an existing request or make a new request there. http://tribe.uservoice.com/

    Or, which is a simpler solution you can use a link shortener service like https://goo.gl/ or https://bitly.com/


    Let me know if these are of any help.



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    Hi Mirko,

    Hmmm… the code in functions.php looks fine, though now it also gave me an error.
    Let’s try switching the single and double quotation marks, this fixed it for me. Just change the last part to the following:

    function enable_google_maps_checkboxes() {
    echo "<style type='text/css'>
    .events-cal.post-php #google_map_toggle, .events-cal.post-php #google_map_link_toggle {display:table-row !important;}
    add_action('admin_head', 'enable_google_maps_checkboxes');

    Let’s check if that helps.

    It looks like Avada is already somehow overwriting the file somewhere. You could check in the Avada theme folder if there are any overwrites, and then I would guess you have to put the new file in the same folder structure under your child theme.

    Before this you can also test if it is really Avada. Just switch on a default theme like twentysixteen and check whether the original overwrite works or not. It it works there, then Avada has something to do with it.

    I hope this helps you move forward. Let me know if there’s anything else.


    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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