Help! Many events I upload are in error. These events show lots of 'code'?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Help! Many events I upload are in error. These events show lots of 'code'?

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  • #1620198
    Mario Cruz

    Can you please share with me the settings I should have for the WPBAKERY plugin?

    It’s because when I accidentally deactivated this plugin, all the errors I’ve described above started.

    I have since activated the plugin, but it’s not the same as before?


    Mario Cruz

    I just did an update and here’s the error I received. See screenshot below?



    Can you please share with me the settings I should have for the WPBAKERY plugin?

    I’m afraid we cannot. This is not a plugin that we authored or that we are particularly familiar with.

    It seemed like we were on the right track with regards to there being a theme conflict: were you able to reach out to their team? What did they tell you?

    I just did an update and here’s the error I received. See screenshot below?

    I strongly doubt those particular MySQL/MySQLi errors relate to our plugins or any other plugins/themes on your site. What you are seeing there is in all probability a temporary hosting issue … if it continues to crop up, definitely reach out to your host as it sounds like WordPress was having difficulties staying connected to your database.

    Mario Cruz

    I just downloaded and installed your latest update and here’s the errors in screeshot below!


    Hi Mario,

    I’m sorry you’re still experiencing problems … but please do take the time to read through my last reply.

    Those appear to be the very same MySQL errors as in your previous screenshot and I’m afraid they are not something we can help you with. “MySQL server has gone away”-type errors like these are something you need to talk to your web host about, only they will be able to help you with this.

    If you have already contacted them and have received a reply to the contrary, please do share with us so we know what you’ve been told.

    Again, I realize it’s frustrating to see errors like these and we want to help you, but in this case that means speaking with your host.

    Thanks 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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