Google Maps not showing up on pages

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  • #942913

    Ok, I lied. Couple more questions.

    1) How do I get the initial order (customer) confirmation emails to come from the default WC “FROM email” address instead of the organizer’s? The first confirmation comes from the organizer, but the “order completed” email (after approval) correctly comes from the WC email. I need all emails to come from the one WC email address.

    2) Would it be possible to send an email to the event organizer notifying them of each new order for one of their event?



    Sorry. Ignore the first question – it was coming from My bad.


    There is no feature to email Event Organizers each time a new order is made. It could be possible, but would involve creating coding to interact with both WooCommerce and the Events Calendar.

    If you would like to request that feature please head to our UserVoice Page and add your own or upvote that feature as they will increase the chances of it being added to a future version.


    This reply is private.


    List view works fine as do the single event pages. Just no calendar.


    Not seeing that as an issue on my test site with WooCommerce 2.3.4.

    I would start with our testing for conflicts guide again and see if a different theme helps the issue.

    I was able to get to March and that loaded, it is having issues with February.

    If you do have any issue with that please create a new thread in reference to this.

    We try to keep threads to one topic and we have gotten off track here with some many different questions.

    Also, if it turns out to be a problem other customers can easily find the thread and the resolution if they have the same issue.



    Ok we resolved the issue with the mini calendar shortcode being in an event causing the month view to not display.

    That issue was resolved in another thread and it looks like everything else is answered here.

    I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please post a new topic on the forum and we can help you out.


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