Glitch changing wording

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    I recently updated this plugin, and the some of the wording changes that I had previously changed in the functions.php are no longer working, I am guessing that the gettext terms have now changed. I’ve looked through the support articles and done my best to figure it out, but I’m stumped. Can you help me?

    There are 2 terms in specific I am having trouble with, and both are highlighted in the attached screen shot:
    (Note: both of these terms I was able to change successfully before I updated.)

    1) “This event has passed.” I would like to read “This class has finished.” I can get “event” to change to “class”, but I can’t get passed to change to “finished.” I have tries using a few different ways in the functions.php, as you’ll also see in screen shot, but can’t get get to change.

    2) I also can’t get “Recurring Event” to change to “(same time every week)”. In addition, the hover window above the term is empty. It used to say something about it being an ongoing class.

    The website is
    Your assistance would be most appreciated, as I’ve spent hours trying to figure this out and need your help šŸ™‚

    Thank you!


    Hi there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us! To achieve what you want, please update your code with the following:

    'This %s has passed.' => 'This Class has finished',
    'Recurring %s' => '(same time every week)',
    'All %s' => 'All Classes'

    Regarding the missing info window when hovering a recurring event, I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue in my own WordPress install. I believe that this is being caused by a plugin or theme conflict. In this case I would recommend you to run a Conflicts Test.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions at all please feel free to let me know and Iā€™d be happy to help as best I can!




    Thank you Patricia!


    Hi there,

    You are welcome šŸ™‚ I’m glad to hear that everything is working as expected now! If you need an assistance again or have other concerns, please feel free to open up a new thread, we’ll be more than happy to help you!



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