First event in recurring event series links to a list of entire series.

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO First event in recurring event series links to a list of entire series.

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  • #1359255

    We add a recurring events / series to the website, say an event happening every day for a week.

    When the series is displayed on the front-end, the first event in the series links to a subsequent list of all events in that series.

    Each event after the first one links to the correct event detail and not the /all list.

    Example, the first event in the series links to a url like:

    Subsequent events go to their event detail page as they should:

    I will send a private post with a working example of the bug.


    This reply is private.


    Hi John,

    Thanks for reaching out! I’m sorry you’re running into this issue, but I’ll be happy to help you figure it out!

    I tested this out on my end but was not able to recreate the issue. Is this happening with all recurring events or only certain ones? If it’s only some of them, can you check to see if they have anything in common (such as being featured events, etc.)?

    First, I would recommend upgrading to the most current versions (I don’t think this will resolve this particular issue, but it’s a good place to start!). The Events Calendar is at 4.6.1 and Events Calendar Pro is at 4.4.18. If you don’t see a prompt to update in the Plugins section of your WordPress Dashboard, you can do so manually by following these instructions.

    Next, can you try testing for conflicts with your theme and other plugins? If you would prefer not to do this on your live site, WP Staging will let you create a quick copy of your live site that you can use for testing. I would pay special attention to Yoast when testing, as the settings there can sometimes result in odd behavior related to links.

    Let me know what you find!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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