Events showing as passed when they are not

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  • #32491

    Hello there.
    Events being posted are showing as passed on the front end when they are not, but only on single events page). They are still showing correctly on the list (I am hiding the calendar view), including showing the correct date. But on the individual event page, it is just coming up as having passed. The dates are correct in the backend.

    When an event is posted it would seem to display fine. It would seem at this stage that it is when an event is edited in the back-end that this issue arises on the front-end.

    And yes, I have deactivated every single plugin and switched to twentyten, twentyeleven and twentytwelve. It doesn’t work.

    This is a live site, please help asap.

    *** FURTHER UPDATE ***
    This is really strange behaviour. What seems to be happening is that I click on the event link in the events list. That target link shows correctly as (for example) but the link does not arrive there. Instead it directs to and shows the event passed notice.

    IN FACT even pasting the correct URL (e.g. ) into the browser still redirects.

    This is an urgent issue and I would really appreciate your help.


    I have had reports of this also from the website admin but I have been unable to replicate it.


    Hi David.

    I’m confused. Which website admin have y6ou had reports from? I am the admin for the site.


    Sorry, was referring to the content admin for the website I built.


    Ah okay. I see that a similar issue was meant to have been fixed with a recent update. Hoping I can get some response on this asap.


    @David, please feel free to monitor this thread but to avoid confusion it would be great if you could create your own.

    @Andrew, can you confirm that you have tried our standard troubleshooting steps, or else now take the time to run through them:

    • Ensure all of your Modern Tribe plugins are up-to-date and in-synch. If you are running The Events Calendar 2.0.11 for example then you must also run Events Calendar PRO 2.0.11
    • Deactivate all other plugins; if you have been using a caching pluign please clear the cache immediately before deactivating
    • Revert to a default and completely unmodified theme such as Twenty Twelve
    • Now test to see if the problem still exists
    • If that resolves the problem, please reactivate everything one-at-a-time until the problem returns – and take note of the last item you re-enabled before the problem returned

    If you could run through those steps and let me know the outcome that would be great.


    Please see my original post where I said: “And yes, I have deactivated every single plugin and switched to twentyten, twentyeleven and twentytwelve. It doesn’t work.”


    Thanks Andrew, there were some further steps in there – for instance are you/were you using a caching plugin and did you ensure the cache was cleared before deactivating it?

    Can you also confirm that all of your Modern Tribe plugins are up to date and in synch?


    Hi Barry. There is no caching plugin, and the Modern Tribe plugin in use is the current version of The Events Calendar (2.0.11).


    Thanks for confirming: if you create a new event, again set in the future, does the same problem occur?


    Yes. I have tried it numerous times and it always happens (when editing, as described above).


    OK – I ask primarily because clicking through to either this or this event does not seem to result in the same problem?

    If you now edit and save your test event will the same issue affect that event also?


    Okay, there is clearly no pattern here as the Pace and Narrative Drive event you linked to above was also showing as event passed previously, but now is not.


    Interesting; and do you have time to create and edit a further test event to see if the issue can be replicated that way?


    Yes. I’ve just done that. I created “Tribe Test Event” and it displayed correctly. I then edited the event…and it is displaying incorrectly as Passed again.

    See here: – the event is correctly listed, but clicking on it takes you to the Venue page showing the Passed notice.

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