Events list "See All" view not showing correct events on load

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  • #1249217

    When a user clicks “See All” on a recurring event in the events listing, they are taken to a list beginning with the very first recurrence of that event created (Even if already passed). When clicking “next events”, the ajax scripts loads page 2 of the list with expected behavior, as if page 1 had started with the most up and coming event in the series. Weirdly enough, then clicking “previous events” takes the user to what the initial load should have been when the user originally clicked “See All” rather then taking them to the very beginning of the list of events, even if they have passed.

    Shouldn’t the expected behavior be, when a user clicks “See All”, they are taken to a list of all events in the recurrence greater than or equal to the present date? They could then paginate to “previous events” to see events that have passed, and “next events’ like normal.

    I have tested deactivating all plugins besides Events Calendar Plugins and removing any theme modifications to the Event Calendar template files.

    I have attached screenshots of the Initial load when clicking “see all”, the list when paginating to page 2, and the list when going back to page 1.

    Here is a link to an event for reference:

    Note: This is happening on all events with recurrence and with passed events that have not yet been removed


    Hi there,

    I just realized that I have the same issue! I am pretty sure this wasn’t the case in older versions.
    However, I did rollback to 4.4.1 for another issue, and it’s there too.


    Be advised that rolling back to 4.3.X will give you the desired way of working for the ‘view all’- feature. It will show only the future instances of the recurring event.

    I’m not saying that you should downgrade, just wanted to make you aware. You should wait for the support team to help you further.


    Hey @Integrity 🙂

    Sorry to see you’re having troubles. Would you mind sending me a screenshot of the ‘Time & Date’ section on the add/edit event screen for an event you’re experiencing this odd behavior on?

    I’ll also need you to confirm you’ve reviewed the Testing for conflicts guide in it’s entirety before I’m able to proceed providing support. We need to eliminate both theme and plugin conflicts before moving forward.

    Thanks and rest assured if the behavior you’re experiencing is from faulty code in any of our plugins, we’ll take the necessary steps to get things addressed in a timely fashion. Cheers!



    I have gone through the guide, eliminating any plugin and/or theme conflicts.

    The requested screenshot is attached.


    In addition to this issue, now upgrading Event Calendar plugins to their latest versions, we can no longer access the admin page to edit that specific event. It will simply load indefinitely.


    Hi and welcome back,

    We do have a bug related to the initial issue you were having relating to the “See all” page displaying the entire list of events in the series rather than the next upcoming event in the series.

    I’ve added this forum thread to the ticket which helps expedite the process of getting a fix included in an upcoming release. Other than downgrading to the versions that work best for you, I unfortunately don’t have a workaround in the meantime no a precise date when a fix will be available. Please stay tuned to our Release Notes and the plugin changelogs for more information.

    I checked to see if there were any logged bugs relating to your most recent issue, but am unable to find anything. Does downgrading to a previous version enable you to edit the event?

    @Hans, as always, your input is useful and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to chime in here! Thanks to the both of you and let me know if you’ve got any additional questions or comments. Cheers!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team


    Hello there!

    Just wanted to share with you that a new maintenance release (for the Week of 10th July 2017) is out, including a fix for this issue ?

    Find out more about this release →

    Please update the plugins and see if the fix works for your site. Don’t hesitate to open a new topic if anything comes up.


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