events have disappeared from the backend again

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO events have disappeared from the backend again

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  • #122271
    Lynden Jones

    I recently posted here – about events disappearing from the backend.
    The code was added to functions and this seemed to fix the issue. But over the weekend my client has been adding content and now the issue has appeared again. The fuction is still in function.php.
    This has also coincided with not being able to add featured images again or set up events properly as per this post –

    I am at a loss to work out what is happening here. Because the site is hidden behind a coming soon let me know if you need access to have a look at it.


    In this case I think access would certainly be useful. Can you share credentials via a private reply (once we get them we’ll remove them as an added precaution). Thanks!

    Lynden Jones

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    Lynden Jones

    Just following up on this. My client is eager to continue entering content and is currently not able to.


    OK, well we’d really need to cover that step first of all.

    Would it alternatively be possible for you to set up a test installation (can be as simple and straightforward as installing WordPress in a subdirectory in the same environment) – add only our plugins and see if the same problem can be replicated: assuming for the moment everything is fine, start adding the same stack of plugins/themes as you have on the live site, testing at each stage to see if activating them brings about the initial issue you reported.

    Is that viable here?

    Lynden Jones

    In this link I posted – – to a previous support issue. I did do that. I set up a sub directory /new/ added a fresh install of wordpress, added the events plugins and I am only using the base wordpress theme. But the problem with adding feature images and using the events editor exists in this install as well.
    The database is a fresh one created just for this install.

    I wasn’t able to add a venue in because I can’t use the editor to do the dropdowns for venue, add a feature image or create a recurrence. But I should also note that if I swap browsers from Chrome to Firefox or Safari I can do these things.
    Now in the past after the post I mentioned earlier I thought it might be a Chrome issue. So I started using Safari and asked my client also to use Safari. It was working for awhile and then this new issue cropped up with the events disappearing from the backend. Then I thought that had been fixed with the function.php fix only to not show any events again which lead me to this forum post.

    Could the database not like having too many requests?
    I’m not sure how to troubleshoot what is going on here and I have had to put my client off continuing work on the site since Sunday.
    The hosting the client picked is ipage but I dont want to make him move hosts if this is not the problem.

    Lynden Jones

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    Lynden Jones

    Update – I saw there was an update for the plugins so I have updated them.
    All the events have shown up again in the back end and my only remaining problem is the set featured image not showing any images from the media library. When I try to upload an image through the screen it gives me an error – An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
    But I can upload through media but can’t select it through add event > set featured image.


    OK, sounds like a lot of those issues have been resolved which is fantastic πŸ™‚

    When I try to upload an image through the screen it gives me an error – An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
    But I can upload through media but can’t select it through add event > set featured image.

    We’re really just using WordPress’s own systems for featured image support: can you confirm if the same thing happens for instance within the page/post editor, or is it specific to the event editor’s featured image meta box?

    Lynden Jones

    Looks like there was a problem in my function file for the set feature image problem.
    Sorry for bundling that one in with the rest – but it was all happening at once.
    And with the new plugin update everything seems to be ok with adding events in the backend. I like the changes you guys made to editing existing events.


    Awesome (and sorry for being so late in noticing your reply – some quirks with our forum tools that have hopefully mostly been ironed out were to blame there πŸ™‚ ).

    In any case, as this thread’s not seen much activity for the last couple of weeks so I’ll go ahead and close it. Of course if you still need help with this or any other issue please don’t hesitate to create a new thread (or threads) and one of the team will be only too happy to help. Thanks!

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