Event layout

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    I need help figuring out a problem I’ve never had before when creating events using The Events Calendar plugins.

    I’ve created a new event, added the tickets, images and everything. When I previewed the result, everything looked perfect. I then went ahead and added a description to my event. For some reason, the page isn’t recognizing where the text should go. Instead, I’m ending up with the text going over the “Details” Box; and the “Google Agenda” & “iCal Export” buttons on the side of the text. I’m not sure if I checked an option by accident that caused this.

    I tried recreating my event from scratch but I end up with the same result. Any ideas on how to fix this? I could use a hand since I need to start selling my tickets asap.

    I’ve attached an image to show the result I’m getting.

    Thank you!


    I figured out where the problem comes from but still cannot solve it.

    For some reason, it’s when I add the featured image of the event that the image messed all the layout up. If I add the exact same image directly in the description box, I won’t have this problem. Therefore it is directly related to the featured image I guess.

    What to do?

    Thank you


    Hey Sarah,

    Welcome back 🙂

    You are unfortunately experiencing the effects of a known bug. I’ve gone ahead and added this forum thread to the ticket which helps expedite the process of getting a fix included in an upcoming release. I don’t have a precise date when it will be available, but please stay tuned to our Release Notes and the plugin changelogs for more information. The good news is, it’s set to be included in the next maintenance release which should be available any day now.

    We have a bit of code which should help address the faulty code here, so please give it a try and let me know if it works out. If not, you might need to use some custom CSS. This Customizing WordPress #2 – Using Chrome Developers Tools is a great example on using your browser’s ‘Inspect’ tool to identify and make changes using CSS.

    Thanks again and let me know if you’ve got any additional questions or comments. Cheers!


    Hi there!

    Just wanted to share with you that a major release of our plugins is out, which includes a definitve fix for this issue 🙂

    Find out more about the release → https://theeventscalendar.com/things-to-be-aware-of-in-version-4-4-of-the-events-calendar-event-tickets-and-premium-add-ons/


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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