Event Aggregator Scheduling Not Timing Correctly / Not importing all events

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  • #1440250

    Hi there,

    I installed yesterday and have 6 Google Calendars importing. I have two issues.

    1. I have set up one calendar to update every hour – “Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire” and after it runs (or I run manually), it says that will run again in 5 hours. Why is this?
    2. Additionally, I have done 21 out of 100 imports today (help says I’ve completed 1) and an event that was added to that calendar before the last import was not added. I have also attempted to add it manually and it is still not appearing. The event is titled “Place to be” and it is listed as an All Day Event on 1/31.

    Please let me know what additional information you need.

    Thank you!


    I am also seeing some new events publishing twice. I posted one event for a test on 2/1 that appears twice. Please assist. This is very important functionality and a big reason why I purchased this solution.


    Also, it seems as though your import does not have the function to remove events removed from Google Calendars. Your competitors do. If this is the case, I will very likely be requesting a refund.


    Hi Chris,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    To answer your most recent question, unfortunately we do not have the feature to remove events that have been removed from Google Calendar.

    You can add this idea to our Feature Requests, as we tend to implement ideas based on customer feedback, so your input is greatly appreciated:


    If you’d like to continue troubleshooting, can you provide me with the URL that you are trying to import, so that I can do some testing on my end?

    Also, can you enable and check the Event Log under Events < Help to see if you see anything unusual? Right under that is your Event Aggregator Status. Can you take a screenshot of what you see there?

    If this feature is a deal-breaker for you, you can fill out a refund form here.

    Let me know what you decide and if there are any additional questions that I can answer for you!




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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