Event Aggregator creating spam comments

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  • #1572310
    Chris Titley

    Hi there.

    We recently swapped our Event Aggregator licence for the filter bar. We hope to reactivate it if and when Facebook importing resumes (is there a way to be notified when that functionality returns?)

    However, we are now being flooded with spam comments (see screenshot below).

    The author is core:aggregator:invalid-service-key

    And the message: “You must enter an Event Aggregator licence key in Events > Settings > Licences before using this service.”

    I have deleted a bunch of these but another 15 have been created. We deleted the Event Aggregator plugin. Is there any way we can stop the comments?




    Hi Chris!

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with your site. I will try to help you get this sorted.

    It sounds like the scheduled imports are still trying to run even though you no longer have an Aggregator license. Aggregator is actually a cloud based service, and there is no plugin to delete. Some features of the Events Calendar import functionality just don’t show if you do not have a valid license entered.

    When you go to the settings in Events > Settings > Licenses, is your old Aggregator license still entered? If so, try deleting this field and saving.

    Let me know if that was not the case.


    Heather Presley

    We have this exact same issue occurring on our site as well. We discontinued our Aggregator license, removed the License number from settings, and checked the “Disable Event Aggregator imports” box in Events > Settings > Imports > Event Aggregator Control settings. Still having one old import trying to run every minute or so. We can see which one under Events > Import > History, but do not have any options to delete/remove those old imports. Please advise.



    Thank you for sharing your experience here! Can you please create your own support thread for this issue as well? It will really help us to track how many people are experiencing the problem, as well as make it easier to communicate with you about it.


    Chris Titley

    Hi Sky. I deleted the Event Aggregator key a few days ago – but the spam is still showing in comments.

    Is there anything else I can do?

    Best wishes,



    This reply is private.

    Chris Titley

    Hi Sky.

    I’ve done that and deleted the old imports, thanks.

    Hopefully this will fix things – I’ll know for sure in a day or two.

    Will you be able to contact me if and when the Facebook import situation is resolved? We’d be keen to restore our aggregator licence when that happens.

    Best wishes,



    Hi again,

    Great! Thanks for giving that a shot. Hopefully that did the trick.

    To keep up with news on the Facebook situation, you can check in on this page: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/ea-fb-privacy-policy/.

    We will announce any changes to the situation there.

    Thanks, and let me know if the imports have stopped showing messages in the comments.


    Chris Titley

    I was just wondering if you were collecting a database of customers wanting to be kept up to date on any changes, as other suppliers in similar situations have been doing.

    That way we don’t have to keep proactively checking on a situation which hasn’t really moved since April.


    Hi again,

    We do not have a special email list for this issue. However, we will likely send out a notification to all customers once we are able to work things out with Facebook.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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