Embed Ads in Single Event and Main Calander List or Photo View?

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  • #1379694
    Wendy Limauge

    I searched the forum but couldn’t find the answer so I’m starting a new thread. I would like the ability to embed at least one ad in a single calendar event. Once my calendar grows I will charge for featured events and I would like them to appear on the right side of a single calendar event. (See attached screenshot for what it looks like at the current time.)

    I am using a plugin called Quick Adsense that let’s me add any html code for Adsense, any ad network or any static image I have so it works for now but this also makes the ad show in a regular blog post, which I would rather not have. And because I am making the ad align to right it often creates a large gap in the blog post (see attached screenshot). I would rather have the ability to have ads show just in calendar events.

    I guess the ideal way to do this would be to have my single calendar event page show as a standard blog post with the sidebar showing but I don’t know how to do this right now. Right now my single event shows as a full width page.

    Also, is there a way to show an ad within the stream of events in the list or photo view? So that the ad looks like a regular event but it is either ad code or a single graphic that is linked to an event page or outbound to customer’s event page.

    I made a mock up of what I am talking about for the ad within the list or photo view for an example of what I would like to do. The arrow in the graphic indicate where the example ad may appear but it could appear at any location within the stream. I made this in Photoshop so it’s just an example, not something live I have in place.

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    If your theme has a sidebar by default, you might be able to get it into your events pages as well by adjusting the “Default stylesheet used for events templates” and “Events template” settings under Events > Settings > Display, which affect how much the events pages inherit their styling/layout from the theme. You could also try a custom sidebar plugin that supports custom post types (events are of the tribe_events post type). I did a quick search and found this one and this one (haven’t tested them out though). Another option would be to edit the events view templates directly by following these instructions.

    You can include events in your main blog loop (Events > Settings > General > Include events in main blog loop), but adding ads in with other events would require a bit more customization, especially to get them to look like the other events. Your best bet would probably be to create the ads as events, add an “ad” category to them, and then create custom styles for that particular category, or modify the queries to exclude that category for certain calendar views where you do (or don’t) want them to display. If you go this route, our functions list will be very useful!

    We currently don’t do customizations like this, but I’m more than happy to answer questions and help point you in the right direction if you get stuck with the code! We also have a list of recommended developers that you could contact if you’d like to have the code done for you.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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