Edit or delete community events

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    Thomas Claffy

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    Thomas Claffy

    So, I logged in late this afternoon and saw a notice of an update to I installed it and it brought my site down with an HTTP 500. My hosting provider turned the Event Calendar plug-in off and that let the site run but completely remove the calendar. So I am having them restore to last nights backup (again had to do this yesterday to debug your stuff) and that will put me back with a working version, I hope, but this has been one bumpy ride so far.

    I won’t be a fast adapter of your updates anymore and will do my own backup so I can restore but how am I expected ro tun a web site with software that brings down the sit with an update?


    Thomas, there was an issue with the latest release that lasted a few hours, and I’m sorry they affected you like they did.

    I logged a bug for this issue:

    If a community contributor goes to /events/community/list/page/1/?eventDisplay=past and there are no past events, it should display a more appropriate message especially if there are upcoming events

    Screenshot: https://theeventscalendar.com/content/uploads/2016/10/2987a75f2aedb5d0.jpg

    Suggested new wording: something like “There are no past events” with them seeing the Upcoming Events link below that message.

    Please let me know if this accurately describes your main issue.

    I’ll mark this ticket as Pending Fix, which means this thread should receive a reply once the applicable fix has been released. I cannot guarantee when it will be fixed as it’s in the development team’s hands now. They need to assign it, code it, test it, and schedule it for release.

    Thomas Claffy

    So this is the issue per the theme developer. Is this actually your issue or his?


    Hi Tom,

    I am sorry to hear that 🙁 Hopefully the day will get better for you!

    Correct the theme is 100% compatible with the core Events Calendar plugin. The community events plugin you mention is a core add-on that costs $89 which I do not own so can not test. I can email the Events Calendar company and request a copy of the plugin to test it out for you and see what may be the issue, but since you are already emailing me it would be much quicker and easier if you just send me the add-on plugin for me to test on my local installation and help you out.

    Switching themes doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a theme issue. Also because the edit link is coming from WordPress, not the theme, then it’s not possible for the issue to be theme related. The fact that the links do not display on twenty 16 may actually be an issue with the twenty 16 theme because it should be showing the edit links.

    This is a tricky case because on one hand you have the default twenty 16 theme that should be showing the edit post link and it doesn’t and on the other hand you have the Total theme which displays the edit link correctly but it’s not working. Plus, You the Events add-on plugin (I assume since I don’t have a copy to look) must be modifying user permissions because by default contributors can not edit posts once they are published. In WordPress by default contributors can only create posts and set them as “pending”. So if the Events Calendar community events plugin allows contributors to actually publish and edit posts then it must be changing the way permissions work which in turn could be breaking the edit post links coming from WordPress core. Again the edit link doesn’t come from the theme but it comes from WordPress main functions, so technically it could potentially also be a bug in WordPress itself 🙁

    So you can either email the Events Calendar people to see if they can help troubleshoot the problem since they know their own plugin more then anyone. If you purchased the add-on legally then you do have support from the plugin developer. Or you can email me a copy of the add-on plugin so I can test things out locally and see if I can figure out the issue.

    And of course there is always the option to hide the edit post button from showing up if this is something you rather do and I can help with that modification because it’s very easy.

    I hope this clears things up for you and I am sorry to hear this hasn’t been a good day for you so far 🙁

    Best wishes,


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    Thomas Claffy

    Why doesn’t the event page show the link text as underline? The link works but it’s not intuitive


    Thomas, the links are not underlined due to this CSS — https://cl.ly/2E3T393f383C — from /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/resources/css/tribe-events-full.min.css

    If you’d like help getting your links to have underlines, please let me know which links (event website, venue, organizer, event categories, etc.).

    Thomas Claffy

    So I have several events that have multiple sites, in one case, it’s a dine out for…all of the restaurants could be listed with links to their respective website but the link text is not intuitive.

    Thomas Claffy

    1. I have added your Advanced Post Manager because the New Event email notification does not tell me who the Author of the event is. I need to know that. So I logged in to view the event. It does not show the Author. So I added the Author column, That does not work either. What can I do to work around this? I have to know who submitted the event.

    2. I have my setting on the Events->Setting->Display->Default View set to Photo but the calendar always opens in Month view. Calendar bug, theme issue?


    Thomas, in our forums we keep our threads focused on just one issue at a time to ensure we fully answer each of your questions/issues. Please keep this in mind for the future and start a new thread for your additional questions from this thread. Thanks for understanding.

    Regarding your links issue, I didn’t quite understand if there was more help I could provide to you on your “links styling” issue.


    Hi There! 🙂

    I just wanted to let you know the issue regarding the “no past events” message is no longer a concern with our latest feature release of Community Events 4.5. We encourage you to update to the latest version and try it out.

    To find out more about the release -> https://theeventscalendar.com/release-community-events-4-5-the-events-calendar-4-5-4-pro-and-community-tickets/

    We hope this update makes your site much better!

    As always, don’t hesitate to open a new topic if anything comes up and we’d be happy to help! 🙂


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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