Duplicate Venues and Organizers — not resolved on upgrade

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    I just did the big upgrade to 3.0 for a client and noticed that the venues/organizers still have lots of duplicates, even though I did try to merge them (as noted here https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/deleting-duplicate-venues/). Is there a post-upgrade fix for this?



    Hi Jen,

    Happily, we do have a solution for this. Go to Events –> Settings. On the General tab, scroll down to the bottom where it says Miscellaneous Settings. You should see a Duplicate Venues & Organizers option (it looks like this). Click the Merge Duplicated button and that should take care of things 🙂

    Do note that the de-duplicator will only merge venues and organizers that are totally identical. So if they have the same name but one has a phone number listed and the other doesn’t, you may need to do some manual editing to get them merged. The button will disappear from settings after you’ve used it.



    Thanks, Leah. I had actually already run that, but still saw a bunch of duplicates. It must be that they were not exactly the same and didn’t get merged. I did verify that one in particular that stood out — an event organizer person — had different URLs in the organizer website field. This person must have thought that that field meant a link to their event, as each time they submitted an event, they put an event-specific URL in there.
    Let’s say we did clean that up (removed the website URL), why isn’t the merger option available again?



    Hi Jen,

    I’m sorry I misunderstood! The button disappears after you’ve used it once, but you can force it to reappear. And the almost-but-not-quite duplicates explains why they weren’t taken care of the first time.

    In tribe-options-general.php (plugins/events-calendar-code/admin views/), comment out line 175 by adding two forward slashes. Save the file, then refresh your Setting page (you may need to clear your cache as well).

    'conditional' => ( $tec->getOption('organizer_venue_amalgamation', 0) < 1 ),
    // 'conditional' => ( $tec->getOption('organizer_venue_amalgamation', 0) < 1 ),

    That will make the button reappear so you can keep using it. Then when you’re done with the button, you can remove those forward slashes and the button will disappear off your Settings page again.



    At me the button issn’t present, and the line 175 doens’t have two forward slashes…

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