Duplicate Venues and Organizers

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  • #1054719
    Mad Dog

    I’m finding that users are adding their Organizer and Venue information repeatedly, so in the dropdown you can see the same venue or organizer names several times. This is wacky! Shouldn’t there be error checking to not allow this? What can I do to stop it (and clean up existing ones without breaking events)?

    Mad Dog


    Hey Mad Dog,

    I found that this was a bug ticket we have still not addressed – I’m very about that. This should not be happening.

    I have elevated the priority on this bug and so hopefully we can get a fix out for this in the next release or two.

    Unfortunately, there is not a specific process for cleaning up the duplicates – manual work to do this would be required, which fact I am again sorry to bear!

    A process that might work would be to find a “base” venue or organizer – so if you see one of either getting a lot of duplicates, pick one that you will attach all of the events to so you can remove the duplicates. You could signify this “original” venue or organizer by temporarily changing its title to include text like [Original] or [MD] or something else.

    On events that belong to the duplicate version of this venue or organizer, go to edit the event and then choose this “original” organizer or venue where appropriate; then save the event to update its connection to this content.

    Once the “duplicate” versions of a venue or organizer no longer as has events tied to it, you can then delete these duplicates, and then once those duplicates are all delete you can go back to that “original” version of it and remove the [Original] or [MD] or whatever text you add to the title to signify it.

    I am sorry that a process like this is the best option at this time; I hope this information does help, though.

    Please let me know what you think and if you have any further questions on this matter.

    Thank you,

    Mad Dog

    Thanks for checking into this. It is quite a bug!

    Manually cleaning it shouldn’t be TOO bad since there aren’t too many dupes yet. Though I’m loathe to do it while people can still enter dupes so I’ll have to do it again. Any ETA on when this might be fixed?



    I agree with you completely that this bug is a pretty major one – I was surprised to see its priority set somewhat low in our bug tracking system. I have raised that priority to its highest, now, and will push to get this the attention it deserves.

    As for an ETA, I’m sorry to say that I do not have one at this time 🙁 I would wager some time in the next three plugin releases, so hopefully before the end of March. That’s just a ballpark time frame and it could, of course, arrive sooner than that, or possible even later, though I would be surprised if it’s later than that.

    I’m glad to hear to that the manual process isn’t as horrible is it could be if you had tons of items; but regardless, @Mad Dog, I’m really sorry about this bug. We’ve got it indexed now as a high-priority item and will hopefully have a fix ready for it soon.

    Thank you for your patience and politeness despite the existence of this bug! Please let me know if you have any further thoughts on this matter or if there’s anything else I can help with.


    Mad Dog

    Hi George–

    I got these taken care of pretty easily and hope they get the bug fixed soon.

    In the meantime, I’d still like to not let Community Users see other peoples’ venues or organizers. I keep checking the Suggest a Feature about this but so far it’s not being done. That said, I’d like to try a temporary fix by adding a class to the “Other Venues” options in the dropdown to hide them. What file(s) actually control the building of the Venue and Organizer dropdowns? I’ve searched and see the function but can’t for the life of me find where those functions are so I can try modifying them. I know it’s working on core files but I’d like to give it a shot.

    Can you point me to the right file(s)?


    Mad Dog


    I finally found it. It’s in the-events-calendar\src\Tribe\Main.php. I commented out this section for venues and the similar section for organizers.

    if ( $venues ) {
    	//echo $my_venues ? '<optgroup label="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'tribe_events_saved_venues_dropdown_optgroup', sprintf( esc_html__( 'Available %s', 'the-events-calendar' ), $this->plural_venue_label ) ) ) . '">' : '';
    	//foreach ( $venues as $venue ) {
    	//$venue_title = wp_kses( get_the_title( $venue->ID ), array() );
    	//echo '<option data-address="' . esc_attr( $this->fullAddressString( $venue->ID ) ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( $venue->ID ) . '"';
    	//selected( ( $current == $venue->ID ) );
    	//echo '>' . $venue_title . '</option>';
    	//echo $my_venues ? '</optgroup>' : '';
    echo '</select>';

    I know this is a terrible way to do this by hacking a core file, and it will likely be overwritten with an update, but for now it works and the client is happy that Community Users won’t see everyone else’s Venues and Organizers which seems to be the way this *should* work by default.

    If you see anything odd or know of any reason I shouldn’t be doing this, please let me know.

    Mad Dog


    Thanks for sharing your progress Mad Dog – definitely make backups of these file edits because they will be overwritten on a plugin update since they are edits to core files.

    We are still working on the bug, so keep your eyes out in the “changelogs” of the next few releases for information on this…if it’s fixed in a given release, it will be noted 🙂

    I will close this thread for now; feel free to open a new one anytime if other questions arise.



    Hi there!

    Just wanted to share with you that a major release of our plugins is out, which includes a fix for this issue 🙂

    Find out more about the release → https://theeventscalendar.com/things-to-be-aware-of-in-version-4-4-of-the-events-calendar-event-tickets-and-premium-add-ons/

    Please let us know if this works for your site,

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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