Duplicate Events and Weird Times

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  • #1166847

    We just started experiencing an issue with our imports where the times are not importing correctly.

    This event for example, http://immanuelbaptist.org/event/evening-service-minear-missionary-reportreception/, should have appeared on September 25 (http://d.pr/i/f9Kz), but when you view it the date range shows December 31, 1969 @ 7:00 pm – September 25, 2016 @ 8:30 pm.

    This is happening with a lot of our events, you can see it here: http://immanuelbaptist.org/events.

    Everything appears to be fine with my actual feed: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/immanuelbaptist.org_6f53q37sed49os136pq1icokus%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics (Here is a screenshot for September: http://d.pr/i/1jRyJ.


    Hello again Greg,

    Oh  man, I’m sorry there’s another importing issue. This is frustrating.

    I tested the feed on my local install, tried importing in different ways and all went fine, so so far I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue at hand.

    It might have something to do with the timezone settings – how surprising. Please give me some time until I look into this a bit more and ask a second pair of eyes to look at this.

    Thanks for your patience!



    Meanwhile, if you can, could you test an import with only Modern Tribe plugins activated, if that gives you the results you need?



    OK, so one thing I tried was to delete the import and delete all of the events with it.

    When I try to set the import backup I get this error: http://d.pr/i/dD8j.

    I’m not sure where to go from here.


    Hey Greg,

    There’s an easy fix for that, let me give you some background for better understanding.

    When you delete imported events, they still remain in the database hidden. The receive a new post_type designation called ‘deleted_events’. This is done this way, in case someone has a recurring import, and doesn’t want specific events to be imported (so deletes them). So these events remain in the database hidden and are thus prevented from future imports.

    Once these ‘deleted_events’ are purged from the database the renewed import will work just fine.

    Here is a small plugin that helps you do the purging. Just put it in your plugins folder, activate it, and you will have a Purge option in your admin bar and on the Evnets trash page.


    Let me know how it works out.



    OK, that plugin purged the events just fine, thanks for that. I ran my import again and it pulled the events in as I would expect. However, the import is not right and good. For example, if you look at this day: http://immanuelbaptist.org/events/2016-09-14/, there are 10 of the same event being imported into the the events. Now that event is in the past. That said, here is another day into the future that is doing it as well, http://immanuelbaptist.org/events/2017-01-22/.


    Hey Greg,

    Thanks for hanging in there! I took a look at the iCal feed. I imported 2 questionable in a local environment and they got multiplied. Please give me some time until I connect with some team members to take a look at this. Thanks for your patience.



    Hello Greg,

    For the time being I don’t have too good news on that. Unfortunately this is a bug which was discovered not long ago. I could reproduce it with your feed, and also with a test feed.

    The bug ticket is already on highest priority so it is in the focus of attention. Without any commitment I believe a fix will come with our next maintenance release. Apologies again and thanks for your patience until the fix arrives.

    I am going to close this ticket to new replies, but the issue is still open and we will update this ticket once we release a fix.

    If you have any new questions or issues please create a new ticket and reference this one. We’ll be happy to help.




    Hey Greg!

    We have just published a fix for iCal Importer that should help here. You can read more about the fix and how to get it on your site here → https://theeventscalendar.com/hotfix-release-ical-importer-4-2-5-1/

    Thanks for your patience! 😀


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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