Double Venue again

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  • #931268

    Howdy queensevents,

    Thanks for reaching out. It looks like you were experiencing this before, as you mentioned, in this topic. Were you ever able to get it fixed the first time. It appears Josh was not seeing the problem when he posted. If so, whatever you did can you do it again?

    If you don’t remember or don’t know why he was not seeing the problem, then let’s start from the ground up. This could definitely happen if you have a theme override. Have you ever done anything theming like outlined in the themer’s guide? If so, can you temporarily disable your modifications and see if the problem goes away. If it does, have you done any modifications to list or Venue specifically? It appears that this view is being called twice… If that doesn’t sound like the problem, could you try testing for conflicts (click here)? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s your theme.

    Please let me know if you have any questions. If not, let me know the answer to mine so we can proceed. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Since this topic has gone for a while without an update it is getting archived. If you need anything else though, please feel free to open a new topic. We would love to help!

    – Brook

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