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    We are currently in the process of building a new website, we are also looking into changing our event software and member management software in the process. The firm we are working with has recommended Event Ticket Plus as an option – however I cannot tell if this will suit our needs from your website alone. Do you offer demos or is there someway I can see how this works (the back end and the user end) and ask questions before we commit to changing?


    Hi Lauren

    At this time, we do not have a demo of the back end.  However, you can see for a demo of the front end of our products.  Check it out at WP Shindig Demo Site

    You can install Event Tickets for free to check out most of the features too.

    Read more at: Do you have a demo, examples I can see, or trial licenses?

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Courtney 🙂


    Thanks for this Cortney. I do have more specific questions that I cannot see on the demo site.

    1) Can I create different custom registration questions for each event (even ones that are collecting registrations at the same time)?
    2) Are there emails that are sent out to registrants that are customizable? What do they look like? Can we add staff members to receive those emails?
    3) Is there a limit to the number of events?
    4) What information is gathered in the reports? Is it easy for staff members who are not technologically savvy to pull registration reports?
    5) Can I have different event settings for each event, or is it like event espresso where the event settings apply to all events?
    6) What payment processors do you work with?

    Those are the questions off the top of my head for now.


    Hey Lauren

    1. You can use the attendee information fields to collect additional data

    2. If you’d like to customize the emails, please see our Themer’s Guide

    3. No limit to events

    4. Here’s our guide on managing attendees:

    5. What type of event settings are you wanting? I’m not familiar with how Event Espresso handles this.

    6. We currently support WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. Read more about each option’s features and payment gateways.

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Courtney 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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