Default Min/Max number of RSVP tickets

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  • #1133854

    Hi Support.

    I was following the ticket below,

    Now, the child theme has been prepared as per the instructions from the above thread.

    Could you please let me know the exact content to copy/paste to the child theme?

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Cheers, Fred


    Hey Fred!

    I’d be happy to help out 🙂

    I’m basically going to copy/paste Nico’s response here as I can’t think of a better way to put it! Here it is:

    To modify RSVP tickets default and max quantities you’ll need to create a template override (as described in our Themer’s Guide) for the RSVP tickets form.

    The file is located at:


    Copy it over to:


    Once the copy is in place, edit line 53:

    <input type="number" class="tribe-ticket-quantity" min="0" max="<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket->remaining() ); ?>" name="quantity_<?php echo absint( $ticket->ID ); ?>" value="0">

    Change the min, max and (default) value attributes to fit your needs ?

    I can’t stress how valuable reading through the Themer’s Guide is, so please refer to that if you run into any troubles. Let me know if you need any further instruction!



    Thanks for the updates.
    Nico suggested to create a child theme to avoid any loss with the theme updates.
    Now the child them has been created as suggested by Nico, so it would be good to let me know how to make udpates to the child theme,

    Cheers, Fred


    Hey Fred,

    You’ll need to make a copy of /plugins/event-tickets/src/views/tickets/rsvp.php, then save it in your child theme folder with this structure: /your-child-theme/tribe-events/tickets/rsvp.php. Once you’ve done that, make the necessary changes on line 53 and save the file again.

    If you haven’t already, please review our Themer’s Guide as it gives a good explanation of what is happening.

    Keep me posted on your progress 🙂


    Hi Hunter.
    I finally was able to manage to follow your instructions. It shows definitely the minimum and maximum quantities of tickets, thanks!
    Just one issue here,
    Screenshot 1 (RSVP 1) shows the initial screen for the users, which does now allow the users to fill their names and email addresses. Note that the name and email fields do not show until pressing the up/down arrow in the quantity field.
    Screenshot 2 (RSVP 2) shows that the result of pressing “Confirm RSVP” button
    Screenshot 3 (RSVP 3) shows what needs to be shown as an initial display to the user with the minimum and the default number of ticket to be “1”.

    For your information, the following is that I changed from the very line.

    <input type=”number” class=”tribe-ticket-quantity” min=”1″ max=”2″ name=”quantity_<?php echo absint( $ticket->ID ); ?>” value=”1″ <?php disabled( $must_login ); ?> >

    Could you please have a look at this for me? I am so close to it!

    Cheers, Fred


    Hey Fred,

    Before I get to testing myself, can you confirm if the issues still occur when reverting back to the default WP theme and deactivating all other plugins other than ours as outlined in our Testing for conflicts guide?

    Don’t forget to copy the tribe-events folder you currently have saved in your theme folder into the Twenty Sixteen theme folder so the changes you’ve made overwrite the plugin. Let me know if this makes sense!




    Have tested by following your instructions, the issue is still outstanding under the 2016 theme with your plugin being activated only.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.



    Welcome back 🙂

    I just tested the code and everything appeared to work as designed for me. I updated line 54 on rsvp.php to:

    <input type="number" class="tribe-ticket-quantity" min="1" max="2" name="quantity_<?php echo absint( $ticket->ID ); ?>" value="0" <?php disabled( $must_login ); ?> >

    Can you please copy/paste exactly what I have below and replace line 54 on the custom rsvp.php template you’ve created and let me know if it works properly?

    Support Droid

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    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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