Custom Taxonomies, Shortcodes, and the Filter Bar

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    I have a client who is going to start using this plugin for the first time. They have three markets and, for now, will only have events for one market. Within that market, they do have event categories. So I was planning already to use the event categories. But, I’m realizing that I may ultimately need to display the full calendar in three areas.

    I know you can link into a category like so: And I also see you can set up shortcodes that could filter and display a full calendar on a particular page: That’s great.

    But, I’m wondering a few things:

    1) Can I add a custom taxonomy to the filter bar?

    2) I found this thread here — — that says you cannot use a custom taxonomy in a shortcode. But is there a templating way to do it? I’d be fine setting up a custom template and display whatever code is needed to get to the same end. I’d prefer to use the default category taxonomy for actual event categories (expos, conferences, etc.) and just create a new taxonomy for market.

    Thoughts? Thanks!


    Hi Courtney,

    Thanks for your interest in our plugins! I’m sorry for the long wait.

    To answer your questions:

    1. Yes, you can add a custom taxonomy to the Filter Bar, but that would require some php coding (please have a look at our Knowledgebase to know more about this).
    2. As you noticed, the tribe_events shortcode does not work with custom taxonomies by default. You could set up a custom template though — you’ll find lots of useful resources about how to customize our plugins on this page., including our Themer’s Guide and a list of freelancers who could tweak the plugin.

    Feel free to ask if you have more questions.



    Sorry for the delay, too. I missed the response in my inbox.

    Okay, sounds like there’s flexibility built in and we should be able to do what we need to do.

    Thanks for the code reference. I will likely be using it.


    Hi Courtney,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I’m going to close this thread, but feel free to start a new one if you have other questions!


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