Creating Template for Event Submission

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Creating Template for Event Submission

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    I need an event submission form that is friendly to users who have no experience with a wordpress dashboard environment. People submitting events will not necessarly be internet savvy, so I need to create a simpler event submission form, something without choices. I want them to put in the event details, but not have a wysisyg editor, or to decide on event visibility, event status, excerpt, additional functionality, custom fields, discussion, event calendar options, tags, event categories, author, featured image, or the wordpress dashboard.

    Finally, I want to have a consistent template for how all the events will appear on the front end. For example I want to control the font styling of the listing, the padding at the top of the event page, so that it is always the same for all events submitted by users.

    Is this possible?


    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for taking the time to reach out! It sounds like our Community Events add-on might provide just the features you’re looking for in terms of fielding event submissions. This add-on allows users to submit their own events through a simplified form that’s accessible on the front end of your site, and site administrators (such as yourself) can edit and approve all submissions before they’re posted to your calendar. For a quick preview, you can register for an account and test the Community Events submission form on our WP Shindig demo site:

    As far as submitted and published events are concerned, you can rest assured that all events will display using the same basic template, and using Community Events means that you’ll have the option of making changes to any single events that deviate from the standard before they’re published to your site. If you’re savvy with WordPress customizations, you can tweak our plugin templates even further to ensure that your events and your users’ are always displayed just the way you like them. Our Themer’s Guide has more information on customizing our plugin templates, if you’re interested:

    I hope that helps to get you started here! Thanks again, and let us know if you should have any other questions! πŸ™‚


    Hi Caroline. I checked the demo and yes it’s exactly what I’m looking for. And good to know I can edit the plugin template if need be.

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi Craig,

    Great, I’m so glad to hear it–and you’re very welcome! πŸ™‚Β It looks like you’re all sorted by now, so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread out. Thanks again for paying us a visit, and please don’t hesitate to follow up with a new thread if there’s anything else we can do to assist!

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