Conflict with EDD FES

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    Thank you George for your reply. I appreciate it.
    I was able to remove the quantity field with CSS. That was a minor issue. The major problem is that the created tickets do not appear neither under the events pages nor in the downloads back-end area on my website. Basically, I can’t use EDD Tickets along with EDD FES.


    Hey Mason,

    I can’t recreate the problem of the tickets not appearing on the events page, but I’m curious about what you mean about your admin – you mention the “Downloads back-end area”, do you mean that you go to an “edit download” screen in your admin and don’t see the tickets?

    If so, this is expected behavior. The tickets only show up on single event pages in the admin.

    Or is this single events issue what you mean?

    Sorry if that’s confusing – can you take a screenshot of a page in your admin where you’re expecting to see tickets, but failing to?

    Also, can you link to a specific event on the front-end of your site that is supposed to have tickets? I’ll take a closer look and see if there’s a CSS conflict or something preventing the tickets from appearing, because they do show up for me.

    Thanks for your patience Mason!



    Hello George,

    I just installed EDD, FES, and EDD Tickets on a fresh dev site to test. It does work. So I guess that’s not the issue on my website. I deactivated WPML plugins and the tickets appear under events. So this is a conflict between EDD Tickets and WPML. Is this a know issue? If not, you might want to add it to your to-do-list.

    Thank you a lot.


    Hey Mason,

    Thank you for testing things even further, you sir are an awesome customer 🙂

    I’m relieved to find that the EDD and FES issue was just a front-end, the one where the quantity field showed up even where not appropriate. I can recreate that issue even without WPML, and have already logged that in our Bug-tracker slated for review for our next release cycle, and will indeed now test WPML and log that issue if it’s not logged already – there are indeed a few known bugs already reported with WPML and it’s quite high on our to-do list to improve compatibility with that plugin, because of how popular it is.

    Thank you so much for your patience and thoroughness Mason, we’ll do our best to get fixes for these bugs out promptly.



    You’re the best George 🙂
    Thank you very much.


    Thanks for the kind words Mason! Best of luck with your project, and stay tuned to updates – read the Changelogs to see if specific WMPL / EDD-related fixes get into a release



    Hi there,

    Thanks again for your post. We wanted to get in touch and let you know that although we weren’t able to address this issue in our upcoming 3.10 release, it is still very much a priority. We have a ticket in our system and will be investigating a solution to be released in a future version. Thank you for your patience and support while we work on this!

    The Events Calendar Team


    I’ll close up this ticket for now, butt Leah’s advice here is encouraged Mason – stay tuned! And if you have other issues or concerns, open a new thread any time 🙂




    We are excited to report that our upcoming release, The Events Calendar 3.12, includes changes that greatly improve the compatibility between The Events Calendar and WPML. We’ve been working hard on this integration for some time and we want to specifically thank all of our users who requested and waited for this feature. We appreciate all of the support and patience!

    Version 3.12 of The Events Calendar will greatly improve compatibility with WPML, but we still have work to do. If you run into any problems integrating the two plugins, please post in our forums so that we can look into the issues. We’ll be on the look out for tweaks and fixes that will improve things further.

    Thank you again to everyone who has been waiting for this! The Events Calendar 3.12 is coming soon- watch your WordPress Updates page!

    and The Events Calendar team



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