Conflict with EDD FES

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    Is there a known conflict between EDD tickets and EDD frontend submission plugins?
    They don’t work together on my website.


    Hey Mason,

    As far as I know, there are not any known conflicts between these two plugins.

    What sort of issues did you run into, specifically? Describe them here in detail and we can hopefully find out what those issues are – if there’s a bug or something in our code, we’ll address it as soon as possible!

    Another thing worth investigating is: do your conflicts still exist exactly the same if you have default theme like Twenty Twelve (or a more recent one…) active on your site? How about if you have a default theme like this active, and have every plugin on your site deactivated except for The Events Calendar, EDD Tickets, EDD itself, and EDD Front-end Submissions?

    Let us know what you find by doing those tests if you can do them!

    Thanks Mason


    Hey Mason,

    Sorry, I forgot to ask – can you also clarify what exact versions of each of the following things you are currently running on your site?

    1. The Events Calendar
    2. EDD Tickets
    3. EDD Front-end Submissions
    4. EDD
    5. WordPress




    Here is what happens after activating EDD Tickets: a box is added to the downloads to choose number of downloads. I’m selling videos so there isn’t any number to be chosen.
    In addition, the tickets do not appear on the events page nor do they appear in the downloads back-end page.

    Deactivating the other plugins and default wordpress theme didn’t help.

    Below are the versions:
    The Events Calendar 3.9.1
    EDD Tickets 3.9.1
    EDD Front-end Submissions 2.2.17
    EDD 2.3.1
    WordPress 4.2

    Thank you.


    Hey Mason,

    Thanks for elaborating on the issues. So, just to be clear, if Front-end Submissions is not activated, does the EDD Tickets behavior improve at all?

    Or do things not work as intended regardless of whether Front-end Submissions is active?

    I’m just curious about this because it’s related to the title of your topic here, and would require different troubleshooting approaches. If your problems with EDD Tickets exist without Front-end Submissions active at all, then it’s not a specific conflict between those two plugins and there are other problems on your site.

    However, if the problems only appear when both EDD Tickets and EDD Front-end Submissions are active, then you may be right about there being a conflict here with these specific items. If this is the case, then can you share a .zip of your version of Front-end Submissions with us? It’s a premium add-on, so we don’t have a license for it – and note that we’re using the files here just for development and troubleshooting purposes, so you’re not violating your license terms or anything. If you share files with us, be sure to check “Set as private reply” before submitting your reply so that only you and our support team can access the files or download link.

    Thanks Mason! Your patience is appreciated and we’ll hopefully get this ironed out soon 🙂



    I think the issue is due to incompatibility with WPML plugin. I found other threads on this topic on this forum.

    Is there an expected date to release a new version compatible with WPML?

    Is there any temporary fix that i can use in the meantime?

    Thanks so much.


    Hey Mason,

    Thanks for feedback on this – were there any specific things that made you think this was related to WPML? If so, share them here, and if you found other topics on the forums that revealed similar issues, share links to them here. There may indeed be some code we can share to help keep things working in the meantime, but as for now, I unfortunately do not know the expected release date of the next plugin. It should be publicly available by May 1.

    Thanks for your patience Mason,


    I found a couple of threads but didn’t save all of them. One example is this one:

    Could you please share the code to temporarily fix this issue until the next update becomes available?

    thank you.


    Hey Mason,

    We may not be able to share a lot of custom code depending on what your exact issues are.

    To be clear, you opened this ticket because of a suspected conflict, which you described thusly:

    Here is what happens after activating EDD Tickets: a box is added to the downloads to choose number of downloads. I’m selling videos so there isn’t any number to be chosen.
    In addition, the tickets do not appear on the events page nor do they appear in the downloads back-end page.

    So, is the conflict with WPML this conflict? Or is there some other conflict that is unrelated to that previously-described one?

    If there’s some other conflict than that, and it’s the exact issue mentioned in the ticket you linked to, then I’d recommend following Barry’s suggestions in that ticket →

    If that is not your exact issue, then please clarify what exact things are not working as expected. I apologize for asking you to clarify what the problem is, but at this point it just isn’t 100% clear to me because the scope of the issue has changed a bit, and I just want to make sure that we’re addressing the problems on your site accurately. It’s slightly annoying but will ensure we actually can help you, or at least offer the accurate advice here.

    Thanks for your patience Mason. Let me know the details of exactly what is not working right between WPML and The Events Calendar – the more details, the better, and bonus points for screen shots! 🙂



    sorry George for the confusion, I’m confused as well!

    Let’s break it down to 2 parts:

    1. Is the Events Calendar compatible with WPML? I have a bilingual website and need to display the events in french too. If it’s not, is there a temporary fix for it until the next update is released?

    2. The conflict between EDD Tickets & EDD FES: the problem is that a quantity field appears on all downloads after activating EDD Tickets (please see this image:)
    This affects my other EDD products which are not tickets. I deactivated all WPML pluigns and it was still the same.


    Hey Mason,

    We unfortunately do not have any specific integration with WPML at this time, although The Events Calendar does comply completely with standard WordPress internationalization functions.

    As for the EDD tickets and EDD Front-end submission bug, can you share a link directly to your site and to a post or page with something to purchase so we can see this live?

    Finally, can you share a .zip of your copy of EDD Front End Submissions with us here so we can test this in-depth locally? You can choose “Set as private reply” before submitting your post with us to keep the link private – you can share files via, or, or anything similar to that.



    This reply is private.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by George.

    Hey Mason,

    I do not know of any ways to solve the WPML problems right now, but like I mention, The Events Calendar does follow i18n standards and works fine with translations in general. There are many other translation plugins out there, which may be a decent temporary fix if they work correctly for now, until Events Calendar is fully integrated with WPML. I’m sorry to disappoint here Mason!

    Also, I removed your login information – we cannot log into customer sites.

    I appreciate the EDD FES files and will report back after investigating these conflicts more closely.



    Hello George,

    Any news or updates for this thread?!

    Thank you.


    Hey Mason,

    I’m very sorry for the delay here. I looked closely into this issue and was able to reproduce your errors, indicating that there is indeed a conflict here.

    While it will take us some time to actually get a solution out in a public update, for now, if you do not have to use that quantity option for most of your downloads, you can keep that field hidden on downloads by adding CSS like the following to the bottom of your theme’s style.css file:

    .edd_download_purchase_form .edd_download_quantity_wrapper {
        display: none !important;

    Let me know if this helps – and again, I’m very very sorry for the delayed reply, I failed to produce the error at first and then gave things another look here and found that there is in fact a conflict.

    Thank you for your patience Mason!

    — George

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