Community Events a little bit worthless for Non-US users

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  • #931306

    Hello, I have launched a request for help before already but didn’t receive any help.

    The datepicker format for users when submitting an event is YYYY-MM-DD. This does not make sense for european users and there does not seem to be an obvious way to change that.

    Can you please tell me how to fix this, without telling me to learn some programming language and go fix it myself. Thanks.


    Hi there, Nicola! Thanks for reaching out and sorry you’re hitting some trouble here with the datepicker format in the Community Events submission form.

    The datepicker selection appears to be an oversight on our part. I’ve logged a ticket for our developers to look at it further and we’ll do our best to follow up with you directly here in this thread when we have an update to share. It’s worth noting that we are in the midst of releasing an update, so it’s unlikely this one will make the cut. So, if it comes, it would likely in be in the next following release.

    I have launched a request for help before already but didn’t receive any help.

    I see the thread you’re referring to and it looks like Brian responded. Did you not receive a notification of his response? If not, our apologies, and we hope you didn’t think we were ignoring you. In his response, Brian does offer a nice solution that should solve the issue while the devs look into the issue further. The solution does not require learning a new programming language, but rather to copy and paste a snippet into your theme’s functions.php file.


    Mark Robinson

    I’d like to add to this – I also noticed this issue as my site also primarily operates in Europe too.

    I can see that in the Dashboard you have the option to configure how the dates are displayed. Can I assume you will add this functionality to the public form?

    The dashboard also employs a date picker. It would be good to empoly this on the public form also as it’s an easier way for users to set dates.

    Mark Robinson

    Something else to add – There is a drop down for users to select a US state. Can you make this only appear if you select US as a country? Otherwise it just gets in the way and takes up screen space. It seems to do the opposite so I wonder if this is an easy fix?


    Hello Geoff, I have pasted the snippet into my theme’s functions.php file and it does not do anything. The datepicker format remains yyyy-mm-dd. I can’t get it to change.


    Hi Mark, thanks for chiming in! You’re welcome to follow along with this thread and see if any of the recommendations work for you. If you prefer support for your specific question, then it’d be great if you could start a new thread so we can help you out. 🙂

    That said, yes: the datepicker settings should apply across the public form. That was Nicola’s original questions and we’ve logged a ticket to address it in an upcoming release. We’ll try to follow up directly here in this thread when we have more to share on the progress.

    If you’re looking to remove the US states dropdown, you can try the suggestion provided in this thread.

    Thanks again! If you have any other follow-up questions, please open a new thread and we’d be happy to help you out there. 🙂



    Hi Nicola, thanks for following up! I’m sorry the snippet didn’t work–I was hoping that would provide a good workaround while the issue is being fixed. Unfortunately, I don’t have any other solutions I can provide in the meantime, but we will follow up when we have more to progress to share.

    Sorry again and thanks for letting us know about the issue so we can work on it!



    Just a heads up that I’m going to close this thread for the time being. And, of course, we’ll follow up here when there’s more to share. 🙂


    Hi there,

    Thank you for your support and patience while we worked on this issue. We are happy announce that we have incorporated a fix into our upcoming 3.10 release. Keep an eye out for a release announcement on our site and for updates available on your WordPress dashboard.

    While we have thoroughly tested this release and are confident of its quality, it is impossible to account for every edge case in the wide world of WordPress. If you run into trouble with the new version or you don’t see your reported issue corrected, please start a new thread and we will be happy to work with you.

    Thanks again for your patience here. We’re excited to get this version out the door and into your hands!

    The Events Calendar Team

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