Change color of scrollbar in week view

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    This is an issue that was carried over from another threat I started where I thought the week view wasn’t functioning properly. As it turned out, I was simply unable to find the scrollbar. Not sure if it looks the same to me as it does others but from my view, it’s a really, really thin scrollbar that’s the same color as the background. I tested it on 10 other people and they were unable to find it either. I thought changing the color of it might be the way to go.

    I tried using the browser inspector tool to change the color but was unable to find the code. Can someone please provide me the CSS for changing the color of the scrollbar in week view, by chance? It would be much appreciated!

    Thank you!
    Brian Hayes


    Also, this is my final tweaking on the calendar and I’m finished. This is an awesome calendar and you all did a fantastic job of creating it!


    Hey Brian,

    I’ve indeed posted a more detailed solution with some Custom CSS over in your original thread →
    I’ll close up this thread just to keep things organized, but definitely give that other thread a look and let us know if the suggested CSS helps you get started with your customizations.



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