Capability to Select Any Venue from Database

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    On the Community Event form I would like my users to be able to select any of the Venues already in the database instead of only their saved venues. How can I modify the script to allow that field to query the entire Venue database instead of just their saved events. My objective is to cut down on the number of fields a user has to fill out.



    Hey @tkwalker,

    The Community Events add-on should show all Event Venues on your site – everything in Events > Venues in your admin should show up there. It does not limit the list of venues to only ones created by the submitting user previously.

    Are you referring to other venues outside of this specific post type on your site? If not, and your Events Venues themselves are being truncated on the “Submit” page for community event, then I’m curious: have you made any code customizations anywhere on your site? If so, what are they?

    Let me know what you think here – and apologies in advance if I misunderstood your issue or something!

    — George


    Hi George,

    I don’t you understood my question. I am referring to the form to manually add an event as a user. You can reach this form here: (credentials = twalker/twalker)

    When filling out this form, in the Venue Details section, notice you have to put in the venue information versus being able to select from a venue already in the database.

    I would like the user to be able to see if their venue is already in our database versus having to manually input their venue here.



    Hey TK,

    When I went to that page, it said “No saved venue exists.” →

    So, have you added venues on your site yet? And specific Tribe Events Calendar venues, of the Venues post type?

    If not, they will not show up there and will have to be manually entered.

    However, if venues are added on the site already, then when a user gets to this page, they will show up from a searchable dropdown menu in the same field where on your site it says “No saved venue exists.” See an example of this on the Community Submission page for our demo site, WP Shindig →

    A user can search for their venue there to see if it’s already added before typing their entire venue data.

    If this functionality is not sufficient for your needs, or you’re looking to modify this functionality or hook up the saved venues to some data other than the built-in Venues post type, you will unfortunately have to take the reins on those customizations.

    Let me know if I’m addressing your questions accurately here or if I’m still missing something – if I am, I’m sorry!



    Hi George,

    I think I see where the confusion gap is. Ok, so I have your Facebook Events plugin installed and when the plugin imports events, it saves the Venue information in the database. I thought these venues would be available to the community add event form. For example, when I’m in the Admin Panel and I click on Venues, I see all the venues saved from the Facebook Events Importer by Tribe ( and I thought these venues would be available to users filling out the Add Event Form.

    Why aren’t these Venues included in the query? Does this now make sense?



    Hey TK,

    Thank you so much for your explanation here, I definitely understand your issue now and appreciate your patience with my slowness in understanding it! 🙂

    This should be working, so I’m curious – if you go to a venue that is imported from a Facebook import, and does not show up in your Community Events submission form venues dropdown, does anything change if you simply “Save” this Venue (without actually making any changes to it)? I’m curious if this will then add that venue to your Community dropdown – if so, that could reveal some important information about this behavior and where along the import process the venues are not saving correctly.

    Let me know what you find by doing this TK, and again: thanks for your patience with the issue thus far. I’m sorry it took me so long to grasp the entirety of your issue here.

    Thank you!


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    Hey TK,

    I removed the login information you posted as soon as I saw it, since we cannot log into user sites and it’s better to keep that information hidden if that’s the case.

    With that being said, the behavior on your site is a bit odd in my opinion, and I’m curious – does any of this behavior change for you if you run through our Troubleshooting Steps outlined here?

    If you go through those steps and check on this behavior as you work through them, let us know what you find. There may not be a conflict here, but it’s worth ruling out at least so we can learn more about this behavior.

    Thank you for your patience with the back-and-forth on this TK! We’ll hopefully drill down the root cause for this behavior soon.

    Thank you,


    Hi George,

    I’ve deactivated all plugins except for the Tribe Plugins and this issue still exist. The script definitely seems to applying a rule that shows only the venues associated with user on the Add Event Form. When I’m logged in as an admin, I see all the Venues that were imported from Facebook because the venues were imported as admin. But if I create a new user and go to the Add Event Form, it is saying I don’t have any Venues saved yet. It definitely appears this is the way you intended the script to be.

    Are you suggesting that the Event Form should display all the Venues stored in the database, even if they are imported from the Facebook Importer?



    Hey TK,

    First of all, thanks for your patience with the back-and-forth here – it’s an odd issue I’m trying to replicate, but I cannot reproduce this behavior. So yes, in my experience thus far you should indeed be able to see all the venues listed there.

    I’m curious, if you head to your Events Settings admin page and then to the “Community” tab here, what values do you currently have for the options here in this screenshot? →

    Are any user roles blocked here? If so, does un-checking these limits help at all?


    Hi George,
    Yes all user roles are blocked from viewing the admin panel. I don’t want users to have access to the admin panel. Is this a requirement for a registered user to to be able to view all venues in the database from the Add Event Form?

    I have went live with the website. It is here:



    Hey TK,

    I’m still unable to recreate this behavior – there are two items I can think worth testing again.

    Earlier above, I mentioned running through the debugging steps outlined in our “Testing for conflicts” article →

    You mentioned above that you tested the plugins, but you didn’t explicitly mention activating a default theme as well – did you, in fact, try activating a default theme as well, and just forgot to mention it? If not, I’d definitely recommend that.

    The other thing is that I recommended simply going to a venue and “Saving” the venue without making any changes – you mentioned that you saved “Events”, but not specifically Venues:

    So I went into the admin panel and updated on of the events (assuming that’s what you meant by Save)

    What I mean is not updating an “Event”, I mean updating a Venue directly. You can do this by going directly to “Venues” in your admin, like in this screenshot →

    Then click a venue listed there and simply save it again once you’re on the edit screen for that venue. Let us know what you find!

    Finally, for now, you mention this:

    It seems as if the function is only looking for venues the user saved during any of their event adding versus querying the database for all venues

    Are you referring to a specific function in the plugin code when you say “the function”? If so, which one?

    Thank you so much for your patience here TK, it’s just some behavior that I’ve been unable to see myself so I’m trying to analyze this from every angle I can think of.

    Thank you!

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