Can't Import Google Calendar Events

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator Can't Import Google Calendar Events

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  • #1344692
    Hillel Brody

    I just purchased Events Aggregator, and when I try to import events from my Google Calendar, I get the error message

    “Events could not be imported. The URL provided did not have events in the proper format.”

    Where is the issue?


    Hello Hillel,

    Thanks for using our plugins and welcome to the forums!

    I’m sorry you are having issues with importing. Let me try to help you get that fixed.

    To start I would like to ask for 2 things.

    Can you share with me the URL / feed that you are trying to import? I would like to run some tests with it.

    Please, share your system information with me in a private reply. This will give me a bit of an overview of your setup which might help pinpoint the source of the issue.

    Thanks and cheers,

    Hillel Brody

    This reply is private.


    Hi Hillel,

    Thanks for sharing all that!

    I believe I found the issue.

    The url / feed you are trying to import is a generic google calendar URL. When I clicked on it, then it opened my google calendar. 🙂

    You can get the url which is specific to your calendar like this:

    • in your calendar click on the cogwheel at the top right, then on ‘Settings’
    • on the top left you’ll see 3 tabs, click on ‘Calendars’
    • You will see a ‘CALENDAR’ section, choose the calendar you want to import
    • You will see a row with ‘Private address’ and a green ‘ICAL’ button (screenshot). Right click on the button and select ‘Copy link location’ (or similar)
    • Now you have the url that you will need to paste into the Event Aggregator import URL box

    Try if this does the trick.


    Hillel Brody

    That worked. Thanks for the help!


    You are so welcome, Hillel! Happy to hear this is solved.

    Since this is resolved I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please post a new topic in the forum and we will help you out.


    PS: If you like our plugin, and you didn’t yet do so 🙂 we would be happy to receive a review in the repository. Thanks!

    PS2: We’d be also grateful if you would give us feedback on your satisfaction with support. Just click on one of the classy looking emojis below. 🙂 If you can spare a few words, that’s even better. Doublethanks!


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