Calendar won't advance to next month using bottom navigation

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  • #1364869

    Had this issue before, it never fully was resolved and now the old fix (deactivating Event Tickets plugin) no longer works.

    Old Thread:

    Link to calendar:


    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Lance and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We are sorry to hear about the month navigation not responding on your website.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    By the looks of it (from Google Chrome’s developer console), there is an error 500 being triggered by some type of JQuery conflict.

    As a side note, I would highly recommend upgrading to a more recent version of PHP (at least 5.4+) as the one you are using is starting to be quite dated and may create issues.

    Could you please send me a copy of the latest version of your WordPress theme and child theme via a link to a .zip file link (stored Dropbox or Google Drive) so that I can run some tests on my end ? I recommend a private reply for that purpose.

    Please ensure you are using the latest files as found on your actual website.
    This way I will get access to any updates or customizations you might have made.

    Hang in there!

    Geoff B.



    Dropbox link for theme here:

    For PHP, is that a server-side upgrade? If not, can you shine some light or point me in the right direction on how to perform this upgrade?

    Kelli Burrows

    It’s server side. Log into your hosting account cpanel and look for php version – it’s usually toward the bottom under file manager etc.


    Geoff B.

    Good evening Lance,

    Thank you for the files. I will run some tests and get back to you today (Friday) with my findings.

    Kelli is absolutely right, these changes are usually done server-side.
    Depending on your web hosting company and the type of CPanel you are using the location of this option might vary.

    In doubt, simply contact their support team to get them to help you upgrade.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Lance,

    As promised, I ran some tests on my end.
    Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the issue on my end.

    However, the good news is that there are a number of things we can do to troubleshoot this further:

    1. Try upgrading the PHP version as suggested earlier
    2. Try temporarily reverting back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-sixteen to see if that helps (you might want to use a “Maintenance Page” plugin for that purpose)
    3. Try completely deactivating all changes performed by W3 Total Cache one by one to see if that helps
    4. Try removing the month cache view under Events -> Settings -> Display
    5. Try updating to a more recent version of Visual Composer or at least temporarily deactivating it.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.




    Do you know if there will be issues with the site if I update PHP? I did a quick search around and it kind of seems like it’s a shot in the dark—could be fine, could be a disaster.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Lance,

    That is a great question.

    With any upgrade, but especially major ones, it is important to be extra cautious.
    For that purpose we recommend seeking the assistance of your web hosting company if you can.

    But in a nutshell, there are 2 things that are important when it comes down to upgrades:

    1. Making a backup of everything (files and database) – even better a snapshot of the server
    2. Making sure you are able to rollback / undo if necessary

    Provided you are using fairly recent versions of everything, such upgrades are typically smooth sailing.

    If they are not, it probably means that there is some type of conflict at play.
    This is usually because of:

    1. A conflict with a plugin
    2. A conflict with your WordPress theme
    3. A template customization for the Events Calendar that requires updating

    When it comes to that type of issue, it is preferable to troubleshoot in a staging environment if you have one.

    A first quick test is to simply temporarily revert back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-sixteen to see if the issue persists.

    The next step would be to go through our testing for conflicts procedure and let us know what you find out.

    Basically the goal here is to revert back to a bare WordPress installation to see if the problem persists. It also allows us to pinpoint what the cause of the issue is.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Geoff B.


    I was able to upgrade to PHP 5.5 from 5.3 and it appears the issue is fixed. When going to PHP 5.6+ I get the error “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.”, any ideas how to fix that? I would rather future-proof the site now as much as possible to avoid issues in the future. From what I can tell this issue can be solved by A) removing the php.ini file (not present in my version of WordPress, so this is out) and B) installing MySQLi, which looks like you need access to the backend of cpanel which I don’t think I have.


    Geoff B.

    Hey Lance,

    I am super stoked to hear that you are making progress on this.

    I could not agree with you more. If you were able to switch to PHP 7+ in the near future, not only would that help making your site future-proof, but it would also offer awesome performance.

    With that in mind, we are fairly limited in our abilities to support server level upgrade procedures.

    On a personal note, when it comes down to that, I am a big fan of letting the web host pitch in.
    Some web hosts are unable to do this (for several reasons).

    If all else fails, a rather extreme approach is to get a brand new hosting plan elsewhere that has PHP 7 installed. Several of them offer to move your site for free. In the end that might take up less of your time 🙂

    But here again, extreme caution and backups (including of your emails) is advised.

    I wish I had a better answer for you, but for now it’s the best one I have unfortunately.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.



    Thanks for the advice! I may look into this in the future, but for the sake of efficiency, I’m going to hold off for now. I’m sure if I reached out to my current host they’d be able to help, they’re pretty great.


    Geoff B.

    Good morning Lance,

    No worries, it was merely a suggestion.
    Either way, there is always a chance upcoming upgrades might fix your issue.

    Another solution, when something like this happens, is to actually revert back to a previous version of the plugin.

    I recommend reading the following:

    Either way, we typically recommend running any upgrades on a test or staging server if you have one. This helps to prevent pesky bugs from showing up on your live site.

    You are welcome back in our support forums any time 🙂

    For now, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

    Geoff B.

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