Calendar Disappeared!

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    Hi lingezegen,

    If you have any trouble getting PRO 3.0.1 (or any other version) please let me know via email (pro at or start a new thread, and I’ll be happy to help out.


    Brent Jordan

    Still broken for me. I’m using Woo Canvas 5.3 (the latest), Events Calendar 3.0.1 and PRO 3.0.3. The shows a version of the home page, which is a magazine layout showing two posts and links to the 5 sliders for that page. If I activate the 2012 theme, the calendar works, but that’s not an option at this point.

    Brent Jordan

    Followup. Did some more searching and found a reference to Reading settings. Seems /events is not compatible with static page. Works fine with posts. Not really ideal for me because of the way I want to manage front page sliders, so still looking for a fix.


    Hi drivemark: please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. It sounds like you’ve been hit possibly by two different problems, one was the database prefix issue which is fixed as of 3.0.3 and the other is a problem where some themes such as those by WooThemes don’t play well with The Events Calendar when a static front page is in use.

    We do have a temporary workaround for that second issue, which is to add this code by our developer Jessica to your theme’s functions.php file. Does that help here?

    Brent Jordan

    Thanks Barry. I tried that code last night. It totally breaks the site. I get a blank page as soon as I hit the Update File button. Cannot access admin or the site. Had to use FTP to fix it. I’ll keep a watch for the permanent fix.


    Hi Brent,

    Sorry to hear that. There’s always a risk that that can happen and so to avoid the possibility of being “locked out” I would generally recommend adding code like this via FTP so that you have a quick means of erasing it.

    If you included the <?php tag at the start of that snippet then that may have caused the breakage: your functions.php file very likely already has that in place – in which case there is generally no need to add it a second time.

    Sorry once again and definitely feel free to wait until a definitive fix is released if you prefer not to dabble in PHP.


    My calendar is still broken as well. I’m using The Events Calendar 3.0.1 and The Events Calendar Pro 3.0.3. I have the latest version of WordPress and Theme Thesis 1.8.

    Calendar Page:

    Error Message: “If there were posts in the database, you’d be seeing them. Try creating a post, and see if that solves your problem.”

    However, I do see the events on my dashboard and in my database. My individual events are still working, though they look horrible (

    On a side note, I hate that every time this plugin updates, I have to spend a bunch of time adjusting my CSS to make it fit back within the post area and look professional. Everything is always all over the place.


    Oh, just FYI, I do have a database prefix that is not the standard wp_, if that helps.


    “There’s nothing here.” That’s what I get when I view the monthly calendar from any of the clicks for the plugin. “;. All is there from the dashboard; events, venues, coordinators, etc. On the front end nothing.
    WP 3.5.2
    Thesis 1.8.5
    TEC 3.0.1
    TEC Pro 3.0.3
    Is there a page called “Events” with a shortcode required to make the calendar appear?


    Hi Beth and Thomas, let me address some of these points in turn:

    Oh, just FYI, I do have a database prefix that is not the standard wp_, if that helps.

    If you are using PRO 3.0.3 and core 3.0.1 this should no longer be an issue.

    My calendar is still broken as well. I’m using The Events Calendar 3.0.1 and The Events Calendar Pro 3.0.3. I have the latest version of WordPress and Theme Thesis 1.8.

    What immediately jumps out here is that you are using Thesis.

    Many users have reported problems integrating with that particular theme and if your problems are indeed specific to Thesis (ie, the problem is resolved if you temporarily switch to an unmodified default theme such as Twenty Twelve) then I’m afraid that right now there probably isn’t too much we can do to help.

    We do plan to develop a tutorial (or set of tutorials) to help people integrate our products with Thesis 2.0 – but we have not yet started on that.

    On a side note, I hate that every time this plugin updates, I have to spend a bunch of time adjusting my CSS to make it fit back within the post area and look professional. Everything is always all over the place.

    We definitely don’t want to cause you unnecessary work. Sometimes this is unavoidable – such as when a major update like 3.0 comes along. But so long as you follow the best practices laid out in our themer’s guide (ie, you are not editing files within the plugins themselves) then you should not have to adjust everything every time a minor release comes along.

    That said, definitely let us know if you’re finding that’s not the case.

    “There’s nothing here.” That’s what I get when I view the monthly calendar from any of the clicks for the plugin.

    @Thomas: again because you are using Thesis there may unfortunately be a real limit on what we can do to help here.

    Thesis is structured in a way quite unlike many other themes and so it’s far harder for us to offer up workarounds (indeed, it’s a premium theme that few of us on the team are familiar with). So, though we do make as much of an effort as we reasonably can to help people integrate their theme of choice, in the case of Thesis that support is regrettably far more limited than is the norm.


    Barry, thanks for the detailed response. Will discuss a theme change with my client, at least temporarily.


    Barry, I’ve been using The Events Calendar Pro with Thesis since January 2012. While, like I said, there were conflicts, such as the full-page and custom pages not working, it’s always worked if I chose “default page template” with custom CSS styling. What I don’t understand is why, suddenly, it wouldn’t find anything to put on the Events Page. It’s like it can’t find any events at all or the Calendar to render on the page.

    I’ve found that it does work if I choose “Default Events Template”, but even when I select “Full Styles” I lose everything – header, sidebar, menu, website colors/design, footer, everything… Plus, it looks completely unprofessional.

    Changing themes is not an option for me, because it’s not that easy. Since I’ve had my entire site professionally designed for Thesis and have been using it for 4 years, I would have to start from scratch with a redesign, plus lose all my SEO meta data and post images. I don’t even have the default WordPress theme installed to my site any longer and really don’t want to invest weeks redoing my site from scratch and manually going back through 15,000 posts to re-add each image and all the other stuff I’d lose when I left Thesis.


    Barry, I found where I can download an older version of the premium plugins that worked with Thesis, so I’ve rolled those back. However, where can I download an older version of The Events Calendar? I can’t seem to find older versions to download. Can you give me a link to download the version before this latest set of releases, because that’s when it broke for me?


    Thanks Barry. I rolled back to everything matching 2.0.11 and it all works again just fine. What a pain. I was looking forward the the ability to merge duplicate venues/organizers, since Facebook Events is creating a bunch of duplicates when I import events.

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