Bug Report: Conflict with ACF PRO/Select2

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    I have also reported this bug to ACF support, but they recommended I let you know about it too. Here’s what I wrote to them:

    I believe I’ve found a bug in the latest ACF PRO which I just updated to. I believe this was not a bug at least in 5.3.

    I have a Post Object field that uses the Select2 dropdown interface. The field only shows when a checkbox is checked. In recent versions of ACF PRO (also confirmed in, the drop down is disabled until after the post is updated/saved once the conditional is met. Otherwise, the field appears but is “grayed out”/disabled once checked.

    You can find screenshots showing the bug and the fieldset’s JSON export here: https://cloudup.com/chNN4vU4sgF

    We later established that this is not an issue on Pages or Posts but is an issue on TEC-registered Events. Therefore, I’m assuming this is a conflict between the two plugins. Possibly most surprising is that it appeared that the TEC fancy drop downs were using Chosen rather than Select2, so I was a bit surprised by the conflict. If there’s anything you can do to reduce issues like that, it would be great.


    Hey Mark,

    Apologies if this isn’t appropriate for a support exchange, but right off the top I’d love to comment on how awesome the Non-Profit WordPress guide is. Saw it on WP Tavern recently and thought it was really well done! We <3 non-profits and work a lot with them, I can see us sending many a folk to that guide for more information on the whole deal…

    Anyways–and, seriously, apologies for that personal bit–I appreciate you reaching out about this bug.

    This has recently come to light as a bug with our code and ACF, which we are actively working on to fix. Check out this other thread where it came up in the last few days → https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/acf-conflict-with-relation/

    Now, since this has only come to light in the last few days, we don’t have an immediately-available fix yet. But having an additional report of this bug only drives up the priority of the bug ticket, so thanks for all of the information you’ve included here.

    I’m sorry that I don’t have any immediate recommendations; please let me know if you have any more thoughts on this bug or if there’s anything else I might be help with in the meantime!



    Can there be a bad place for a compliment like that? I’m thrilled you knew about Nonprofit WP already, and I would love for you to share it with customers, colleagues, and others looking for helping building out their sites. My goal with that site is [unsurprisingly] to help as many people make good WP sites as possible, so the more people know about it the better.

    I’m glad this can help increase the urgency of the fix, and I hope to see a fix soon. If needed, I’ll probably dequeue the script if we really run into troubles.

    Thanks again for your help and sharing Nonprofit WP in the future!


    For sure, Mark – it’s a great tool and one I’m happy to share. In our Non-Profit Partnership Program email exchanges, from time to time folks will ask some general WP questions and that guide is bookmarked as a tool for those situations.

    As for the fix, thank you for being patient with it! I’ve bumped the priority on our bug ticket. And while our next release, 4.1, is in its final pre-launch stages–which means that fitting in a bug fix or other small tweaks is very unlikely, save for security-related issues–hopefully we can get this fixed in the releases following that one.

    Dequeueing scripts may indeed be a helpful, if temporary, solution. Check out the other thread about this bug if you’re interested in this; I shared some code there that you might be able to copy-and-paste to save some time.

    For now, mind if I close up this thread? I’m inclined to close both this and that other bug-report thread to contain the issues, and to make it so that if others have the issue they make a new thread which will only add even more urgency to the fix.

    Let me know what you think and if there’s anything else I can help with in this thread!



    Makes sense. Close away!


    Right on–stay tuned to our next several updates! Something like this would definitely be noted in the “Changelog” of its associated release.




    Thank you for reporting this issue. We weren’t able to get a fix for it into our upcoming release (4.1). However, please know that the problem is still on our radar and is ticketed within our system to be addressed in a future maintenance release. We’ll do our best to keep you posted when we are able to get a solution in place. Thank you for your patience while we improve and expand our plugins.



    Hi Mark,

    I was working on trying to fix this issue, but could not replicate it following your steps and using your fields.

    Are you still having an issue with this?


    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.



    I wanted to post a quick note here that we have published a new Maintenance Release today that should address some of the problems reported in this thread.

    You can read about the details of this release here → https://theeventscalendar.com/maintenance-release-events-calendar-4-3-2-event-tickets-4-3-2-premium-plugins/

    I hope this update helps!

    If issues persist, open a new thread in the forums and be sure to include your site’s complete, un-edited “System Information” as per the instructions in this knowledgebase guide.


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