All events failing to display after May 10 – fb imports still running fine

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO All events failing to display after May 10 – fb imports still running fine

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  • #1538434
    Anthony Schmitt

    Hi, is not displaying events now. It seems to have cut off on may 10th. Licenses are newly refreshed and valid, entered in correctly. I don’t see anything wrong on the back end.


    Hi Anthony,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Do you have any events added in your back-end after May 10?

    If you are missing Facebook events after May 10, then I’m afraid I have bad news. Facebook has changed how they handle and give external access to their events. That also influences usĀ  and Event Aggregator, meaning Event Aggregator (and basically any outside service) is not able to import events from Facebook.

    We are looking for solutions on this but it is mostly in the hands of Facebook.

    You can read more about it here:

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Anthony Schmitt

    Okay. Do you have a refund policy in place? Can you give a partial refund for the period where we are inactive?

    We just purchased a renewal in the amount of $151.30 for 2 items. The entire purpose of using this plugin is to import events to our website from facebook. At present the primary function of our website, the calendar, is broken unless we manually populate, which would be extremely time intensive for us.


    Hi Anthony,

    I’m really sorry about this Facebook thing. We do hope the issue will be solved somehow soon.

    Of course, I can give you a full refund for your latest renewal. Would you like a refund or both EC Pro and Event Aggregator or only on Event Aggregator?

    Let me know and I’ll process your refund straight away.


    Anthony Schmitt

    We will wait another week. Can the payment be partially refunded based on the total outage time if you get export abilities back?


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    Anthony Schmitt

    Is there a way to export the event from facebook to, say, google calendar then have that autoimport to wordpress?

    Any solutions besides copypasting?



    I had a user sharing a solution, but unfortunately I cannot find the thread.

    It went somehow like this:

    • On Facebook signal for the event that you are interested or going
    • the event has to be owned by you / the account you are trying to import from
    • import it to google calendar – if I remember correctly this needs to be done manually
    • set up automatic import with Event Aggregator from google calendar

    This is all I have at the moment.


    Anthony Schmitt

    It’s kind of crazy that your users are the ones finding solutions to this problem right now.

    I’ll test this method out.


    We’ve been also testing different methods and you can find our findings and progress in this article:

    The above method was also included in that article before, however we found that it is not working in a reliable manner. So that might work, but might not.

    Let me know how your test goes.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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