Looking for Events Calendar Pro template files? You can find them here!

Looking for Event Tickets Emails template files? You can find them here!

The Events Calendar comes with a number of template files that determine how the plugin looks and behaves. We call these templates views because they create the pages that you see on your site.

Each template can be copied and customized in your theme folder. The following is an outline of all of the available templates that come included with The Events Calendar.

Core view templates

The following templates are containers for other templates. They are located at /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2.

TemplateWhat it does
day.phpWrapper for the day view template, including the events bar, top bar, and the events in the day view.
default-template.phpThe basic wrapper template for all the views when the “Default Events Template” is used in the plugin’s Display settings.
embed.phpThe post embed base template.
list.phpWrapper for the list view template, includes the events bar, top bar, and the events in the list view.
month.phpWrapper for the month view template, includes the events bar, top bar, and the events in the month view.
silence.phpA blank template.
single-event-blocks.php*Wrapper for individual events created with blocks.
single-event.php*Wrapper for individual events.

* This file is located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/


Day view

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/day/ except for the main day.php template, which is one level up.

TemplateWhat it Does
day/event.phpTemplate for a single event in day view.
day/nav.phpTemplate for the day view navigation, with the next and previous links.
day/time-separator.phpTemplate for the time separator in day view.
day/top-bar.phpTemplate for the day view top bar.
day/type-separator.phpTemplate for all day and multiday separators.
day/event/cost.phpTemplate for the event cost.
day/event/date.phpTemplate for the event date.
day/event/description.phpTemplate for the event description.
day/event/featured-image.phpTemplate for the event featured image.
day/event/title.phpTemplate for the event title.
day/event/venue.phpTemplate for the event venue.
day/event/date/meta.phpTemplate for the event date meta.
day/nav/next-disabled.phpTemplate for the disabled Next button in the day view navigation.
day/nav/next.phpTemplate for the Next button in the day view navigation.
day/nav/prev-disabled.phpTemplate for the disabled Previous button in the day view navigation.
day/nav/prev.phpTemplate for the Previous button in the day view navigation.
day/top-bar/datepicker.phpTemplate for the day view top bar datepicker field.

List view

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/list/.

TemplateWhat it Does
list/event.phpTemplate for a single event in list view.
list/month-separator.phpTemplate for the month separator.
list/nav.phpTemplate for the list view navigation, with the next, previous, and today links.
list/top-bar.phpTemplate for the list view top bar.
list/event/cost.phpTemplate for the event cost.
list/event/date-tag.phpTemplate for the event date tag with weekday and day number.
list/event/date.phpTemplate for the event date.
list/event/description.phpTemplate for the event description.
list/event/featured-image.phpTemplate for the event featured image.
list/event/title.phpTemplate for the event title.
list/event/venue.phpTemplate for the event venue.
list/event/date/meta.phpTemplate for the event date meta.
list/nav/next-disabled.phpTemplate for the navigation disabled next button.
list/nav/next.phpTemplate for the navigation next button.
list/nav/prev-disabled.phpTemplate for the navigation disabled previous button.
list/nav/prev.phpTemplate for the navigation previous button.
list/nav/today.phpTemplate for the navigation today button.
list/top-bar/datepicker.phpTemplate for the list view top bar datepicker.

Month view

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/month/.

TemplateWhat it Does
month/calendar-body.phpTemplate for the month view calendar body.
month/calendar-header.phpTemplate for the month view calendar header.
month/mobile-events.phpTemplate for the wrapper for mobile events.
month/top-bar.phpTemplate for the month view top bar.
month/calendar-body/day.phpTemplate for a day in the calendar grid.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events.phpTemplate for the wrapper for calendar events in a day.
month/calendar-body/day/more-events.phpTemplate for the more events link in a day.
month/calendar-body/day/multiday-events.phpTemplate for the multiday events wrapper in a day.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event.phpTemplate for a calendar event.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/date.phpTemplate for the calendar event date.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/featured-image.phpTemplate for the calendar event featured image.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/title.phpTemplate for the calendar event title.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/date/meta.phpTemplate for the calendar event date meta.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip/cost.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip cost.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip/date.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip date.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip/description.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip description.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip/featured-image.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip featured image.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/title.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip title.
month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip/date/meta.phpTemplate for the calendar event tooltip date meta.
month/calendar-body/day/multiday-event-spacer.phpTemplate for a multiday event spacer.
month/calendar-body/day/multiday-events.phpTemplate for a multiday event.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day.phpTemplate for a day in the mobile events wrapper.
month/mobile-events/nav.phpTemplate for the mobile events navigation, with the next, previous, and today links.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/day-marker.phpTemplate for the mobile events day marker.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/mobile-event.phpTemplate for a mobile event in a day.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/more-events.phpTemplate for the mobile events more events link for a day.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/mobile-event/cost.phpTemplate for the mobile event cost.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/mobile-event/date.phpTemplate for the mobile event date.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/mobile-event/featured-image.phpTemplate for the mobile event featured image.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/mobile-event/title.phpTemplate for the mobile event title.
month/mobile-events/mobile-day/mobile-event/date/meta.phpTemplate for the mobile event date meta.
month/mobile-events/nav/next-disabled.phpTemplate for the mobile events navigation disabled next button.
month/mobile-events/nav/next.phpTemplate for the mobile events navigation next button.
month/mobile-events/nav/prev-disabled.phpTemplate for the mobile events navigation disabled previous button.
month/mobile-events/nav/prev.phpTemplate for the mobile events navigation previous button.
month/mobile-events/nav/today.phpTemplate for the mobile events navigation today button.
month/top-bar/datepicker.phpTemplate for the month view top bar datepicker.


The following templates are located at wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/modules.

TemplateWhat it does
modules/address.phpDisplays the venue address on an event single.
modules/bar.phpRenders the events navigation bar used across views.
modules/map-basic.phpUsed for maps embedded in single events and venues when the site is using The Events Calendar’s default Google Maps API key.
modules/map.phpUsed for maps embedded within single events and venues.
modules/meta.phpThe container for meta information about the event.
modules/meta/details.phpDisplays the event’s details in the meta section of the event single.
modules/meta/map.phpDisplays the embedded map in the meta section of the event single.
modules/meta/organizer.phpDisplays the event’s organizer information in the meta section of the event single.
modules/meta/venue.phpDisplays the event’s venue information in the meta section of the event single.

Embedded events

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/embed/.

TemplateWhat it does
embed/content.phpThe template that displays the content for the embed view
embed/cost.phpShows the cost in an embedded event
embed/footer.phpThe footer template for the embed view
embed/image.phpDisplays the featured image of an embedded event
embed/meta.phpThe wrapper for displaying content, such as date and time for an embedded event
embed/schedule.phpDisplays the schedule information for an embedded event
embed/venue.phpDisplays information about the venue for an embedded event


The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/widgets/.

TemplateWhat it Does
widgets/list-widget.phpDisplays the list widget.


The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/components/.

TemplateWhat it Does
components/after.phpTemplate for custom HTML after the view. This is applied to all views.
components/before.phpTemplate for custom HTML before the view. This is applied to all views.
components/breadcrumbs.phpTemplate for breadcrumbs in the view header. This is applied to category archive, featured archive, all view, organizer view, and venue view.
components/breakpoints.phpHolds the script tag containing the calendar’s various breakpoints for responsive layouts.
components/data.phpTemplate for the view data. This is applied to all views. It is highly recommended to not make any changes to this template.
components/events-bar.phpTemplate for the events bar. This is applied to all views.
components/filter-bar.phpTemplate placeholder for the Filter Bar. This is applied to all views. The Filter Bar is injected after this via template hooks, so removing calls to this will prevent the Filter Bar from showing up. Any custom content added to this template will show up immediately above the Filter Bar.
components/ical-link.phpTemplate for iCal link. This is applied to all views.
components/loader.phpTemplate for the loader overlay during ajax requests. This is applied to all views.
components/json-ld-data.phpTemplate that injects structured data in JSON-LD format for enhanced SEO.
components/messages.phpTemplate for messages. This is applied to all views.
components/read-more.phpTemplate for the “Read More” link. This is only applied to events on the Twenty Seventeen theme.
components/breadcrumbs/breadcrumb.phpTemplate for a non-linked breadcrumb.
components/breadcrumbs/linked-breadcrumb.phpTemplate for a linked breadcrumb.
components/events-bar/search.phpTemplate for the events bar search form.
components/events-bar/search-button.phpTemplate for the events bar mobile search button.
components/events-bar/views.phpTemplate for the events bar views selector.
components/events-bar/search/keyword.phpTemplate for the events bar search form keyword input.
components/events-bar/search/submit.phpTemplate for the events bar search form submit button.
components/events-bar/search-button/icon.phpTemplate for the events bar search button icon.
components/events-bar/views/list.phpTemplate for the events bar views selector list.
components/events-bar/views/list/item.phpTemplate for the events bar views selector list item.
components/top-bar/actions.phpTemplate for the top bar actions.
components/top-bar/today.phpTemplate for the top bar “Today” link.
components/top-bar/actions/content.phpTemplate for the top bar actions content.


This is a list of templates for events that are created using the WordPress block editor. The templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/blocks/.

Note that these templates go into a different folder in your theme if you plan on overriding them. Instead of creating a tribe-events folder in your theme, these blocks will go into a /tribe/events/ folder.

TemplateWhat it Does
/blocks/classic-event-details.phpThe wrapper for the event’s details, including meta information, venue, and organizer.
/blocks/event-category.phpDisplays the event category
/blocks/event-datetime.phpDisplays the date and time of the event
/blocks/event-links.phpDisplays the event export options
/blocks/event-organizer.phpDisplays the event organizer
/blocks/event-price.phpDisplays the cost of the event
/blocks/event-tags.phpDisplays the event’s tags
/blocks/event-venue.phpDisplays the venue where the event takes place
/blocks/event-website.phpDisplays the website link for the event
/blocks/featured-image.phpDisplays the event’s featured image
/blocks/parts/details.phpDisplays event details in the classic event details block, including date, time, categories, tags, price and website
/blocks/parts/map.phpDisplays the embedded Google Map in the event venue block
/blocks/parts/organizer.phpDisplays organizer information in the classic event details block
/blocks/parts/venue.phpDisplays the venue information in the classic event details block