Event Tickets comes with a number of template files that determine how the plugin looks and behaves. We call these templates views because they create the pages and elements that you see on your site.

Each plugin and add-on has its own unique set of templates and each template can be copied and customized in your theme folder.

Since version 5.6.0 of the Event Tickets, we have included a new version of email templates.

We’ve put together an outline of all of the available templates that come included with Tickets Emails, so that you can customize them to your liking.

Tickets Emails

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/admin-new-order.phpThe completed order email parent template.
/new-order/body.phpThe completed order email body.
/customer-purchase-receipt.phpThe customer purchase receipt email parent template.
/purchase-receipt/body.phpContains the purchase receipt email body.
/purchase-receipt/intro.phpContains the purchase receipt email intro.
/rsvp-not-going.phpContains the RSVP “Not going” email template.
/rsvp-not-going/body.phpContains the RSVP “Not going” email template body.
/rsvp.phpThe RSVP email template .
/rsvp/body.phpThe RSVP email template body .
/ticket.phpThe Ticket email template .
/ticket/body.phpThe Ticket email template body .
/template-parts/body.phpContains the generic body as template part.
/template-parts/body/add-content.phpContains the generic template for the email’s “Additional content”.
/template-parts/body/footer.phpContains the footer template part, general to all emails.
/template-parts/body/footer/content.phpContains the footer content general to all emails.
/template-parts/body/footer/credit.phpContains the Event Tickets credit, in the footer.
/template-parts/body/header.phpContains the header template part, general to all emails.
/template-parts/body/header/image.phpContains the email’s header image, which is coming from the settings.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table.phpContains the attendees’ table for orders, which is used in the purchase receipt and completed orders emails.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table/attendee-info.phpContains the attendee information within the attendees’ table.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table/attendee-name.phpContains the attendee name for the table.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table/attendee-email.phpContains the attendee email for the table.
/template-parts/body/order/attendee-info.phpContains the attendee information for a particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table/header-row.phpContains the header row for the attendees’ table in orders.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table/ticket-id.phpContains the ticket id for the attendee’s table in orders.
/template-parts/body/order/attendees-table/ticket-title.phpContains the ticket title for the attendee’s table in orders.
/template-parts/body/order/customer-purchaser-details.phpContains the purchaser details for the particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/error-message.phpContains the error message for the particular order, if existent.
/template-parts/body/order/post-title.phpContains the post/page or event title for the particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/order-total.phpContains the order total.
/template-parts/body/order/payment-info.phpContains the payment information for the particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/purchaser-details/date.phpContains the date of the order.
/template-parts/body/order/purchaser-details/email.phpContains the purchaser’s email for the particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/purchaser-details/name.phpContains the purchaser’s name for the particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/purchaser-details/order-number.phpContains the order number.
/template-parts/body/order/ticket-totals.phpContains the ticket totals for the particular order.
/template-parts/body/order/ticket-totals/header-row.phpContains the table header row for the ticket totals.
/template-parts/body/order/ticket-totals/ticket-price.phpContains the ticket price for the ticket totals table.
/template-parts/body/order/ticket-totals/ticket-quantity.phpContains the ticket quantity for the ticket totals table.
/template-parts/body/order/ticket-totals/ticket-row.phpContains the row for the ticket totals table.
/template-parts/body/order/ticket-totals/ticket-title.phpContains the ticket title for the ticket totals table.
/template-parts/body/ticket/holder-name.phpContains the ticket holder name for the ticket, used in Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/post-title.phpContains the post/page or event title used in the Ticket and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/post-description.phpContains the post/page or event description used in the Ticket and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/ticket/number-from-total.phpContains the number of ticket from the totals, used in Tickets and RSVP emails. (i.e.: 1 of 3, “1” would be the number from total).
/template-parts/body/ticket/security-code.phpContains the ticket security code, used in Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/ticket/ticket-name.phpContains the ticket name the attendee has bought, used in Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/tickets-total.phpContains the total number of tickets associated with the email. Used in Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/tickets.phpContains the loop where the tickets/RSVPs are iterated.
/template-parts/body/title.phpContains the general title for emails.
/template-parts/footer.phpContains the markup of the email’s footer.
/template-parts/footer-preview.phpContains the markup of the email’s footer, when in preview mode.
/template-parts/footer/footer.phpContains the markup of the email’s footer.
/template-parts/header.phpContains the markup of the email’s header.
/template-parts/header/head/json-ld.phpContains the JSON-LD information associated with the emails.
/template-parts/header/head/meta.phpContains the meta attributes for the emails.
/template-parts/header/head/scripts.phpContains the scripts for the emails.
/template-parts/header/head/styles.phpContains the CSS styles general to all email templates.
/template-parts/header/head/title.phpContains the HTML title attribute for the email templates.
/template-parts/header/header-preview.phpContains the markup of the email’s header, when in preview mode.
/template-parts/header/header.phpContains the markup of the email’s header.

Event Tickets Plus

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/template-parts/body/ticket/ar-fields.phpThe attendee registration fields for the Ticket/RSVP.
/template-parts/body/ticket/ar-fields/data.phpThe individual attendee registration field for the Ticket/RSVP.
/template-parts/body/ticket/ar-fields/key.phpThe individual key of an attendee registration field for the Ticket/RSVP.
/template-parts/body/ticket/ar-fields/value.phpThe individual value of an attendee registration field for the Ticket/RSVP.
/template-parts/body/ticket/qr-image.phpThe QR image for the Ticket/RSVP.
/template-parts/header/head/ar-styles.phpThe CSS styles for the attendee registration fields section.

The Events Calendar

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/template-parts/body/event/date.phpContains the event date for Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/image.phpContains the event featured image for Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/links.phpContains the event links for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/links/gcal.phpContains the event’s Google Calendar link for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/links/ical.phpContains the event’s iCal link for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/venue.phpContains the event venue, if available, for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/venue/address.phpContains the event venue address for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/venue/phone.phpContains the event venue phone for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/body/event/venue/website.phpContains the event venue website for the Tickets and RSVP emails.
/template-parts/header/head/tec-styles.phpContains the CSS styles for The Events Calendar’s integration with Event Tickets emails.

Virtual Events

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/template-parts/body/virtual-event/link.phpContains the link to the virtual event.
/template-parts/header/head/ve-styles.phpContains the CSS styles for Virtual Events’s integration with Event Tickets emails.