Allen Presher

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  • in reply to: tribe_get_events() exclude parameter not working #1579344
    Allen Presher

    That did the trick, thank you for the help!

    Allen Presher

    Apologies, this was a result of server side caching gone awry. Issue resolved.

    Allen Presher

    Thanks, George. We are most concerned about the load time of the homepage (front_page.php), a fix that targeted it first would be the of greatest importance to us and likely to most users’ sites. Part of what makes this a particularly impactful bug isn’t just the assets being loaded by the Events Calendar which are quite small (although the extra HTTP requests are not so good), but it’s actually that the one script requires jQuery and so it takes our jQuery enqueued to the footer and moves it to the header. In other words we end up w/ 90kb of blocking JavaScript that prevents the page from being rendered before we even get to these extra assets that also block the rendering pipeline.

    Thank you again for any fix you can provide, this has been an issue of great concern for a number of our clients and has prevented us from rolling the Events Calendar out to any of our in development sites.

    Allen Presher

    The assets referred to do appear to all be related the “This week Widget”:

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='widget-this-week-pro-style-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <link rel='styleshee
    t' id='tribe_events-widget-this-week-pro-style-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var tribe_this_week = {"ajaxurl":"http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php"};
    /* ]]> */
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    I’m glad to hear it is not The Events Calendar policy to delete customer posts. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can provide in troubleshooting this issue.

    Allen Presher

    We did respond that the code did not work (that was one of the posts deleted), and we did post the exact assets in our original post in the previous thread (which has not yet been deleted).

    As for complete system information one of our sites is listed below (client name/url redacted), however this issue is present on every site we have the Events Calendar installed (6-10 currently), and those sites all differ somewhat substantially, and are spread across a few significantly different servers.

    events-calendar-pro = df89f7e358d9b61ceebe1bf67df399c974e70bdc
    Gravity Forms version 2.0.2 by rocketgenius(
    Admin Menu Editor Pro version 2.3.1 by Janis Elsts(
    Advanced Custom Fields PRO version by Elliot Condon(
    The Events Calendar PRO version 4.2.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    Gravity Forms Constant Contact Add-On version 2.2.2 by Katz Web Services, Inc.(
    Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On version 3.3 by rocketgenius(
    InfiniteWP - Client version 1.6.0 by Revmakx(
    Regenerate Thumbnails version 2.2.6 by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond)(
    The Events Calendar version 4.2.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    TinyMCE Advanced version by Andrew Ozz(
    WP Media folder version 3.7.0 by Joomunited(
    Nested Pages version 1.5.4 by Kyle Phillips(
    WP Rocket version 2.8.8 by WP Rocket(
    WordPress Toolbar Editor version 1.2 by Janis Elsts(
    Stratejus Theme
    tribeEnableViews =
        [0] => list
        [1] => month
    schema-version = 4.2.2
    recurring_events_are_hidden = exposed
    previous_ecp_versions =
        [0] => 0
        [1] => 3.12.6
        [2] => 4.0
        [3] => 4.0.1
        [4] => 4.0.2
        [5] => 4.0.3
        [6] => 4.0.4
        [7] => 4.0.5
        [8] => 4.0.6
        [9] => 4.0.7
        [10] => 4.1
        [11] =>
        [12] => 4.1.1
        [13] =>
        [14] => 4.1.2
        [15] => 4.1.3
        [16] => 4.1.4
        [17] => 4.2
        [18] => 4.2.1
        [19] =>
    latest_ecp_version = 4.2.2
    last-update-message =
    disable_metabox_custom_fields = hide
    pro-schema-version = 4.2.2
    donate-link =
    postsPerPage = 10
    liveFiltersUpdate = 1
    hideSubsequentRecurrencesDefault =
    userToggleSubsequentRecurrences =
    recurrenceMaxMonthsBefore = 24
    recurrenceMaxMonthsAfter = 24
    showComments =
    showEventsInMainLoop =
    multiDayCutoff = 00:00
    defaultCurrencySymbol = $
    reverseCurrencyPosition =
    embedGoogleMaps = 1
    geoloc_default_geofence = 25
    geoloc_default_unit = miles
    embedGoogleMapsZoom = 10
    debugEvents =
    tribe_events_timezone_mode = event
    tribe_events_timezones_show_zone =
    eventsSlug = calendar
    singleEventSlug = event
    stylesheetOption = tribe
    tribeEventsTemplate =
    viewOption = month
    tribeDisableTribeBar =
    hideLocationSearch = 1
    hideRelatedEvents =
    week_view_hide_weekends =
    monthEventAmount = 3
    enable_month_view_cache =
    dateWithYearFormat = F j, Y
    dateWithoutYearFormat = F j
    monthAndYearFormat = F Y
    weekDayFormat = D jS
    dateTimeSeparator = @
    timeRangeSeparator = -
    datepickerFormat = 0
    tribeEventsBeforeHTML =
    tribeEventsAfterHTML =
    earliest_date = 2015-07-04 00:00:00
    latest_date = 2016-11-18 16:30:00
    pue_install_key_events_calendar_pro = df89################################0bdc
    earliest_date_markers =
        [0] => 1957
    latest_date_markers =
        [0] => 1471
    Allen Presher

    Three places a quick google search turned up that users have come to this forum, asked for the exact same information, and received it:

    I did state where I wanted to remove these assets from: all pages other than those generated by the Events Calendar. That should be simple enough as the Events Calendar plugin defines a custom post type through which it operates, therefore any calls could be placed in logic such as:

    if ( !is_post_type_archive('tribe_events') && !is_singular('tribe_events') )

    Recap: Update hurts clients’ sites, no fix for months, refusal to provide a solution that was provided repeatedly in the past. I give up. Please close the thread.

    Apologies to anyone in the community who finds this thread looking for a solution.

    Allen Presher

    The temporary fix for the jQuery load isn’t particularly sufficient as it requires the editing of core code (and the editing of core code on every site this has been deployed). If you guys choose to ship a plugin update that does not include the fix, you will have undone my efforts across every site I’ve patched this. Can you commit to not wiping out my work (as has happened in the past with this same issue)?

    At not point have I demanded “extensive custom coding”. I’m just looking for you to give me the code required to dequeue them. Here’s what such code might look like:

    wp_dequeue_script( 'ASSET-NAME-HERE');

    Was that extensive? We’re talking 3-4 one liners, purely declarative. Lines Events Calendar support has provided in the past as a simple search on this forum will show. Not sure why you’re refusing to answer this now.

    Allen Presher

    Please provide me the code required to dequeue these assets on all pages but those generated by the Events Calendar. While I understand that I can reverse engineer the plugin and figure this out on my own, I don’t think that’s something that I as a customer should have to do.

    Regarding the loading of jQuery I am correct that the Events Calendar is effectively overwriting our theme preference of loading jQuery in the footer (an industry best practice for performance) and placing it in the head. As much as I hate reverse engineering a plugin we pay for when I’ve specific information that could used to solve the problem, the offending line is:

    Line 39:

    And that line is as follows:

    wp_enqueue_script( 'tribe-this-week', tribe_events_pro_resource_url( 'widget-this-week.min.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), apply_filters( 'tribe_events_pro_js_version', Tribe__Events__Pro__Main::VERSION ) );

    You can see that script is being enqued to the head, and requires jQuery, thus forcing jQuery to be loaded first into the head. This is a terrible thing to do to your customers sites by default and without consent.

    Please consider developers who buy many licenses, deploy the Events Calendar on multiple sites in development, realize that the plugin has the default behavior of loading assets on every page, then come here and ask you guys for a solution. We then use the solution you guys provide, the sites go live, and then 6 months later we find out that an update injected a bunch of assets on every page of each site, and even changed the loading location of jQuery to the head which totally blocks page rendering.

    This could all be easily solved by building an option into the plugin that developers could check off that simply says “load Events Calendar assets only on pages generated by the Events Calendar”. That option could work from tomorrow, till a decade from now, and if you’re concerned that restricting the loading of assets to only Events Calendar pages could cause some theme integration problems that’s why the option would be off by default, with a warning message that it’s for developers only. Bury the option somewhere. Even just make it a PHP flag for us.

    in reply to: Direct Link to Filter View, query string? #950881
    Allen Presher

    That did the trick, thank you!

    in reply to: Cannot dequeue styles #888007
    Allen Presher

    Worked like a charm, thank you. On a quick side-note is there any singular function I can check against to see if a page is any one of the events calendar pages? Right now I’m saying:

    if ( !tribe_is_month() && !tribe_is_event() ) :

    Not sure if there is one singular thing I can test against? Other than that thank you again!

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