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  • Scott

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    Hi, unfortunately changing the home page to a post instead of a static page is not an option… so it looks like I’ll need to go the route of duplicating the ECP events as posts to accomplish what I want to do.

    On another note, since I updated to the latest version of ECP, I am getting some weird text showing above and below the calendar grid (“Calendar Month Navigation”) at How do I get rid of this?

    Thanks again.


    OK, I found out how to upgrade PHP to version 5.4 but the dialog box that came up has me concerned, since I’ve never done this before. Is this common?



    Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

    In the past, I’ve set up a blog feed into the static home page (but had to duplicate the ECP event content in a blog post to do that), since the theme I’m using has that functionality built in. I wonder if it would work with the ECP events also.

    I’ll take a look at the Pro shortcodes to see if any of them will do the trick, and also see if the customization route is within my limited CSS skill set.

    Anyway, knowing what version of PHP I’m using is above my pay grade, so to speak. The host for this site is GoDaddy, and I would assume that their updates include this?


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    Awesome, thank you! I had to reduce the padding to 2px to get it to fit, but it works.

    Now, if I could figure out how to get the text in the sidebar calendar header to be black instead of white, I think I could leave you and your team in peace (for a while, anyway ;-D).


    Fantastic, thanks! That resolved the overlap issue. The sidebar calendar grid is still cropped off on the right side, so that only 6 days show. Is there any way to fit the entire width within the sidebar area?


    Thanks! Unfortunately this theme continues to conflict with ECP and even with the code you provided (as with the previous code), no luck. The month and nav arrows still show as white against a light gray background in the sidebar calendar.


    OK, I think I figured it out: under Event Settings, the display was set to Tribe Events Styles. Once I switched it to Full Styles, the content that was invisible suddenly showed up. Hooray!

    But… the text showing the month, year and nav arrows in the top of the calendar are barely visible. If those were legible I believe that would resolve it.



    Ok, thanks. Added your modified CSS via Simple CSS plugin, no change… and this is a child theme as well.

    in reply to: Event Calendar Pro Widget not displaying #1100562

    Hi, Geoff –

    Thanks again for the assist. I added the snippet you gave me via the Simple Custom CSS plugin and don’t see any change from before. I emptied my browser cache to make sure I wasn’t looking at an old version, but no difference. Am I doing something wrong?


    in reply to: Event Calendar Pro Widget not displaying #1099556

    Fantastic, thanks! I’ll take a look with the CSS you provided, and let you know how it works out.

    in reply to: Event Calendar Pro Widget not displaying #1099523

    OK, thanks for the response. I deliberately placed the widget on the secondary pages via the creation of a separate sidebar, so that is not the issue.

    I understand that a theme’s styling can conflict with plugins as well. All I want to be able to do is have all the components of the calendar widget be visible so it’s functioning as intended. I can insert customized css if it’s available, and will do so with much appreciation if it is. Unfortunately, since I’m a designer and not a coder, backend stuff is not my forté.


    in reply to: Event Calendar Pro Widget not displaying #1099483

    Hi, sorry for the delay in responding, I hadn’t updated my profile and your reply was sent to my old email address. Anyway, I am still having issues, and yes, the visibility of the calendar is the main problem.

    Maybe I’m thinking in much too simplistic terms, but it seems like it should be visible without having to modify the code? Thanks.

    PS: the widget is now being used on secondary pages – rather than the home page – at

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