Mohammad Zubair

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  • in reply to: Error with select2 #1574480
    Mohammad Zubair

    It seems like it is fixed now by an update of The Events Calendar PRO, specific for this WooCommerce Membership & Events Calendar problem. So this fix is not needed anymore?

    in reply to: Purchase name and email not visible in attendee view #941177
    Mohammad Zubair

    Hi Barry,

    Yes. In WooCommerce it’s possible to ‘disable’ the billing/shipping/account fields in the sense that they are not used to check for its presence (for example in the checkout) with the following code:


    in filter:


    When you do this, the reference to the values of these fields in the orderdata is not created. This means that the meta_keys _billing_first_name, _billing_last_name and _billing_email are not stored.
    However, WooTickets is using these keys to acquire the name and email. So I just enabled those fields.

    in reply to: Purchase name and email not visible in attendee view #940777
    Mohammad Zubair

    Hi Barry,

    I did some digging in the code and I found the problem!

    The first name and last name is fetched from the post_meta table in WordPress, thus the first name and last name are stored as meta data for the order.
    However, I ‘disabled’ all the WooCommerce fields (billing_first_name, billing_last_name and others), so the meta key: _billing_first_name and _billing_last_name are never stored in the order.
    When WooTickets tries to fetch this data, it’s empty.

    I fixed this by re-enabling the necessary WooCommerce fields and it worked!

    in reply to: Sending ticket automatically after purchasing free ticket #940775
    Mohammad Zubair


    Yes it is possible.
    Make sure u select “Download” and “Virtual” in the product options of the Ticket in WooCommerce.

    in reply to: API Call to check in an attendee? #940701
    Mohammad Zubair

    Hi Barry!

    wow, thanks for your quick reply!

    Mohammad Zubair

    Hi Barry,

    Firstly, thanks for your quick reply.
    Yes, the user will be logged in and is the user that bought the ticket. I was assuming that maybe some WooTicket specific metadata or metakeys were used, for that reason I asked the question here. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I’ll do some debugging first, and search in the WooCommerce area. Thumbs up for The Events Calendar and WooTickets 😀

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