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  • Kristiina

    thank you

    in reply to: Reformat date and add a website button #1355686

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    in reply to: Reformat date and add a website button #1352312

    Hi Thank you for your help

    I got 2 done from your help above… 1 to go still

    There are going to be approx 400 events that will be uploaded seasonally via a csv file so doing the recurring event method manually for each is not the best.. do you have another solution. Can the date and time fields be reorganized somehow?

    I am trying to format the date for the following link so it will show for the following pages
    September 26- November 27 @ 5:20 pm-6:20 pm not as it is now September 26 @ 5:20 pm – November 27 @ 6:20 pm

    I did try following this thread to figure out how but I have no idea what to edit in the single-event.php file

    “I would suggest overriding the wp-content\plugins\the-events-calendar\src\views\list\single-event.php template to make that happen. You can learn more about overriding calendar templates in our Themer’s Guide, but it basically boils down to this:

    Make a copy of the <span class=”paragraph”>single-event.php</span> template.
    Make a new folder in your theme called “tribe-events” (wp-content/themes/{your-theme}/tribe-events)
    Drop your copied single-event.php file in that last folder

    Now that the template is in your theme, you can modify it to suit your needs.”

    in reply to: Reorganize date and time view #1271461

    yes that totally worked thank you

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