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  • Tineke

    Just as an example:

    On my event page I made tabs (event info, location, tickets, links, artists, etc)
    The ticket tab has 6 custom fields separated in two sections:

    Online Tickets
    Label: Field 1
    Label: Field 2
    Label: Field 3

    Instore Tickets:
    Label: Field 4
    Label: Field 5
    Label: Field 6

    I am still trying to figure out how to have the headers empty when there f.e. Field 4, 5, 6 are empty. So, if field 4 is empty, don’t show the Instore Tickets:

    If i do an ‘if’ function now like this:

    <?php $key = tribe_the_custom_fields( '_ecp_custom_1' );
    if ( trim( $key ) == "true" )
    echo 'Online’;}

    I get ALL the custom fields again instead of the ones that I choose with:
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark” target=”blank”>
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark” target=”blank”>
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark” target=”blank”>

    Probably doing something wrong but yes get_tribe_custom(‘Field label’) would help us out a lot I guess

    in reply to: Documentation #10452

    Hey Rob, I am bumping into many things… Some of them I figured out.

    – Couldn’t found out how to call a specific custom field. Figured out I could do it with this at my custom made page:

    Social Media
    <a href="ID, $key, true); ?>” rel=”bookmark”>ID, $key, true); ?>
    <a href="ID, $key, true); ?>” rel=”bookmark”>ID, $key, true); ?>

    <a href="ID, $key, true); ?>” rel=”bookmark”>ID, $key, true); ?>
    <a href="ID, $key, true); ?>” rel=”bookmark”>ID, $key, true); ?>
    <a href="ID, $key, true); ?>” rel=”bookmark”>ID, $key, true); ?>

    But then, the same code didn’t work on single.php . It took me a while to figure out I needed to change $post->ID into $ID and ad

    So I got this:

    Social Media

    <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>

    <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>

    Now it works 🙂 Took me a long while tho. Of course I noticed it had to do with my lack of knowledge about custom fields. Same with Custom Post types. That’s why an example like this would be nice.

    Other problem:
    I want to add a line up to my events, including Artist profiles.
    Right now I ‘solved’ it by making Custom Post with a category artists. I tagged those artists with the name of the event and at 1 of my pages I can make them show up by adding a query. (example: http://www.hubbicle.in-town.nl/spoiled/)
    But it’s a temporary solution because the moment I have another event, with other artists I will have a problem.
    So, in this case I would like to see an example of how to connect a custom post.

    Do you guys have a Dropbox? I might be able to put some code there that I already had figured out. Don’t want to put it online myself, since I don’t know if what I’m doing is exactly right.


    Woops, found it…. (brain crash)

    <a href="ID, $key, true); ?>” rel=”bookmark”>ID, $key, true); ?>


    Hey Brian,

    Would you happen to know how to display a custom field that has a link? (so how do I make it a link?)

    in reply to: Documentation #10405

    Also, how do a call a specific custom field? (not all af them at once)

    in reply to: Display events on homepage #10335

    Hey Murray: you can find it here:
    http://pastebin.com/zN4gfeM1 (not sure if pastebin works here, but trying:)

    in reply to: Display events on homepage #10184

    Solved it…

    in reply to: Display events on homepage #10172


    in reply to: Display events on homepage #10147

    Hey Rob,

    I don’t want it in a sidebar and no, not via shortcode embed (i thought that wasn’t possible?)
    The thing is that I don’t want to use widgets. I like to hard-code 😉

    Here the website (developing): http://www.hubbicle.in-town.nl/
    It has several loops:

    I would like to put an events list in loop-events, so I can also show it on the front page and other pages.

    The only thing I got working is http://www.hubbicle.in-town.nl/shows/ thanks to your guide by adding it to a template using the WP CMS.
    But how to show the same somewhere else?

    I tried:
    $wp_query->set(‘eventDisplay’, ‘upcoming’);
    $posts = tribe_get_events( ‘numResults=1&eventCat=’);
    $template = TribeEventsTemplates::getTemplateHierarchy(‘widget-featured-display’);
    } ?>

    I tried copying my list.php template into loop-php.

    Tried custom post types:
    ‘events’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 10, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’, ‘paged’ ) ); ?>

    in reply to: Template Tags/CSS #10061

    Hey Shane, thanks so much again for the quick reply.
    Yes I could deal with the bugs. I only need a place to start, so anything would be welcome right now. The bugs I can deal with over the weekend.
    Thanks again, this helps a lot!

    in reply to: Template Tags/CSS #10058

    Hey guys, any news? Getting desperate here 🙁 > need to finish a website including an events system within less then a week: the whole reason why I bought the plugin…

    in reply to: Template Tags/CSS #9898

    Hey Shane…
    I can’t wait 😉
    Good luck with everything, meanwhile I found the old forum that had some codes… Thanks for answering!

    in reply to: Template Tags/CSS #9896

    Is there any old documentation available so I can at least start using this plugin in my template? Anything would be very much appreciated.

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