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  • Emil

    Will this get resolved in the next update then?


    Your ‘the-events-calendar’ quickfix worked for this as well, so never mind.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Emil.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Emil.

    Thank you,
    It worked indeed to change to ‘the-events-calendar’ but the latest update from yesterday was terrific and made that change superfluous.
    All I had to do to Update from POT today. I hade to mess around quite a lot
    to get it to work but eventually it worked very nicely.
    It solved all the rest of the problematic strings as well. (Almost)

    Except for one…


    Have I made a mistake or is it still unresolved?
    Any solutions for that?
    Thanks in advance.


    That’s great news indeed. Really awesome actually. Thanks Geoff B.
    It really solved the issue perfectly. Many thanks to you guys.


    Thanks Geoff. Really appreciate that. I’ll stay tuned.


    I’ve poked around with your suggested replacement template a little bit.

    I noticed after trying it in action that it will remove the global ticket options select box under the Woocommerce/Tickets section thats supposed to appear when Global stock is enabled. That’s not something I want happen. I only want to remove the RSVP box, all else I want intact. Which is a bit confusing and make me even more concerned with what all the additional lines does.

    The CSS solutions does unfortunately not work very well because when you click on the text “Sell using:” and by default it checks the RSVP option even though it’s set to display: none; Will cause problem when people who submits events don’t realize this. Otherwise that would have been a simple and easy solution for me here.

    Another question is if it’s possible to do the same in the backend when editing an event under WP-admin?
    Same problem with CSS there and tweaking the code solution with be necessary for me.


    Thanks Geoff, it does help.

    Tt seems to display correct on the front end, without the RSVP option when I fully replace my [your-theme]/tribe-events/community-tickets/modules/tickets.php with the one you provided.

    However in the github file there’s many more lines of codes(hundreds) that seems to do other things. What does all of the additional code do? Is it all just for removing the RSVP option box and its content or is it something else i should be concerned about or that would be good to know?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Emil.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Emil.

    I’ve read it and tried it but the end result was not exactly removing only the RSVP box, it also ads field and additional code that is unnecessary.

    The line that brooks mentions ( $checked = $module === 'WooCommerce';) does not exist in the template he refers to unless I add the code he suggest but then I get alot of additional field and code that I don’t want. I only want to remove the RSVP box and this only confuses me.

    Can you point me to a solution that instead only removes the RSVP box, thank you.


    Thank You! Problem solved 🙂


    Thanks for the response András. I’ve played around with this a little but I don’t manage to make it work.

    Here’s what I tried, but get nothing:
    add_shortcode(‘start-date’, ‘start_date_shortcode’);
    function start_date_shortcode() {
    return tribe_get_start_date($date_format = ’j F ’);
    Is it something wrong with the formatting?

    I’m not too familiar with PHP and trying to use the directions here https://theeventscalendar.com/function/tribe_get_start_date/ to have the date show up with a certain format using shortcodes that I then add in with Toolset views. Can you please let me in on how write the parameters for tribe_get_start_date in a shortcode that i then can use to output the correct data? Maybe if give a working example it would be highly appreciated and helpful, showing something like how to output the month and date.

    I asked in their support forum and got some directions. This is the support topic for your reference: https://wp-types.com/forums/topic/sortable-table-list-view-with-data-from-the-events-calendar-post-types/

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