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  • commandz

    I found the PDFs in wp-content/uploads and also found where they are referenced in the wp_postmeta in the database.

    I wanted to verify how many tickets were sent and if the email was sent. I am going to look around to see if I can find email send verification someplace.

    Thanks for the help and the reply.



    Is there a way to manually resend a ticket?


    It appears that it was happening when a charge failed via Stripe with Woocommerce.

    Is there a way to check to see what was actually sent out in the email (pdf)? Where in the database would this be stored?


    in reply to: Wootickets: Product Templates and custom ticket numbers #41257

    As for the theming question, I was trying to use the default WooCommerce single product display of a product. I circumvented the default wootickets display by creating a new page and inserting the woocommerce shortcode: [product_page id=”99″]

    in reply to: Wootickets: Product Templates and custom ticket numbers #41256

    What I was doing with the above is sending the information to a separate table (which you will need to create and then changing what was output onto the pdf.

    In “the-events-calendar/lib/tickets/tribe-tickets.php” I changed line 244 from “$pdf->Write( 5, $ticket[‘ticket_id’] );” to “$pdf->Write( 5, $ticket_number );”

    I also included the code that is in the above post. This allows me to set what the first ticket number is going to be ($ticket_first) and then associate it to original ticket number and order number in the new table.

    in reply to: Wootickets: Product Templates and custom ticket numbers #41254

    I ended up purchasing the plugin—saved me a bunch of time—and customized the ticket output.

    If others are looking for the same sort of thing, what I did is below.

    Just below “foreach ( $tickets_list as $ticket ) {” in the-events-calendar/lib/tickets/tribe-tickets.php

    mysql_connect(“localhost”, “user”, “pwd”) or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db(“database”) or die(mysql_error());

    //Find the max number in column
    $MaxID = mysql_query(“SELECT MAX(column) FROM table “);
    $MaxID = mysql_fetch_array($MaxID, MYSQL_BOTH);
    $MaxID = $MaxID[0];

    //ticket logic
    $ticket_first = 6034;
    $ticket_number = ”;
    if ($MaxID === null) {$ticket_number = $ticket_first;} else {$ticket_number = $MaxID + 1;}

    //Insert into the database

    mysql_query(“INSERT INTO table
    (holder_name, order_id, ticket_id, security_code, cust_ticket) VALUES(‘$ticket[holder_name]’, ‘$ticket[order_id]’, ‘$ticket[ticket_id]’,’$ticket[security_code]’,’$ticket_number’) “)
    or die(mysql_error());

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